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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Memo No 11698 Guidelines to Allocation of Posts and Employees to New Dists in Telangana

Memo No 11698 Allocation of Employees to New Districts in TS -Order to Serve- Certain Instructions. Districts Re-Organisation Allocation of Posts to districts Procedural guidlines Provisional orders to Serve memo-no-11698-guidelines-to-allocation-of-employees-instructions


  1. Office Bearers of Regd Service Associations may not be transfered
  2. Orders to serve orders may issue in the morning of 11.10.2016
  3. No employees permitted leave on 10.10.2016
  4. All employees should be available on 10.10.2016
  5. Arrangements for inaugural functions should be made Depts
  6. New Website will be created for all Districts
  7. Work distribution for new offices shall be issued on first day