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Monday, October 3, 2016

KVS Recruitment 2016: 6205 Vacancies

KVS Recruitment 2016 – 6205 Principal, PGT, TGT & PRT- Last Date 17-10-2016|Recruitment of  Principal and other teaching posts in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan|Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), is an autonomous body under the MHRD which is thoroughly under the govt. of India. It had mission and vision which is totally centered at the development of the education system and create the environment that is totally for the development of the children’s and the applicants under the institution. It also ensures to provide education to the remote and the areas that are not that much developed.

KVS Recruitment 2016 – 6205 Principal, PGT, TGT & PRT- Last Date 17-10-2016|Recruitment of Principal and other teaching posts in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan|Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS), is an autonomous body under the MHRD which is thoroughly under the govt. of India. It had mission and vision which is totally centered at the development of the education system and create the environment that is totally for the development of the children’s and the applicants under the institution. It also ensures to provide education to the remote and the areas that are not that much developed./2016/10/kendriya-vidyalaya-sangathan-kvs-recruitment-2016-6205-vacancies-principal-pgt-tgt-prt.html

KVS Recruitment 2016: 6205 Vacancies

  1. Post Name: Principal and Other Teaching Posts
  2. Principal: 90 posts
  3. Post Graduate Teacher (PGT): 690 posts
  4. Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT): 926 posts
  5. Primary Teacher (PRT): 4348 posts
  6. Primary Teacher (PRT) Music: 151 posts
  7. Age Limit as on 11th Oct 2016 35 to 50 years
  8. Qualification: Please Check Official Advt.
  9. Selection Procedure: Selection will be based on Written Exam/Interview
  10. Application Procedure: Apply Online through official website: or
  11. Last Date to Apply : 17th Oct 2016