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Monday, September 19, 2016

Rc No 405 Drafting State Monitoring Teams to the Districts to Observe Different Functional aspects of PS UPS and HS

Rc No 405  Dt 19-09-2016 Drafting State  Monitoring Teams to the Districts to Observe Different Functional aspects of PS UPS and HS |Proceedings of  the Director of School Education and State Project Director SS Telangana Hyderabad
Rc No 405 Dt 19-09-2016 Drafting State Monitoring Teams to the Districts to Observe Different Functional aspects of PS UPS and HS |Proceedings of the Director of School Education and State Project Director SS Telangana Hyderabad/2016/09/rc-no-405-drafting-state-monitoring-teams-to-the-districts-to-observe-functional-aspects-ofPS-UPS-HS.html

Plan of Action:

  1. The District Level Monitering team will be from 22nd to 28th Sept 2016.
  2. Drafting 2 members of SRGs from the State each of  10 Districts.
  3. 10 Primary School Teachers ?LFL HMs who acted as trainers or partictipated in text book writings or school monitoring need to be identified by the respective DEOs and involved in the monitoring from 21st Sept onwards.
  4. Click Here  to Know further details