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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

G.O.Ms.No.122 Dated:21-09-2016.Procedure for claiming family pension after the demise of the spouse

G.O.Ms.No.122 Dated:21-09-2016. |FINANCE (HRM.V) DEPARTMENT|PENSIONS – Recommendations of the Tenth of Pay Revision Commission 2015 - Procedure for claiming family pension after the demise of the spouse -Orders - Issued.

G.O.Ms.No.122 Dated:21-09-2016. |FINANCE (HRM.V) DEPARTMENT|PENSIONS – Recommendations of the Tenth of Pay Revision Commission 2015 - Procedure for claiming family pension after the demise of the spouse -Orders - Issued./2016/09/gomsno122-dated21-09-2016procedure-for-claiming-family-pension-after-the-demise-of-the-spouse.html


  1. In the Government Order read above, orders were issued constituting Tenth Pay Revision Commission appointing Sri Pradeep Kumar Agarwal, IAS (Retd.) as Pay Revision Commissioner laying  down  the terms of reference of the Commission.
  2. The Tenth Pay Revision Commission submitted its report to the Government on 29.05.2014 and recommended, inter alia, for payment of family pension straight away after demise of service pensioner and also  for change of procedure for sanction and payment of family pension to the widowed /divorced daughters.
  3. After careful consideration of the Report, the Government after careful consideration of the matter, hereby decided to amend the Telangana Revised Pension Rules, 1980 suitably,
  4. Accordingly, the following notification will be published in an extraordinary issue of the Telangana Gazette.