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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

G.O.Ms.No.123 Communication of basic pension/Family Pension to the Pensioners – Constitution of District level and State level Committee ­ Orders ­ Issued.

T S G.O.Ms.No.123 PENSIONS – Communication of basic pension/Family Pension to the Pensioners – Constitution of District level and State level Committee   ­ Orders ­  Issued|FINANCE (HRM.V) DEPARTMENT

T S G.O.Ms.No.123 PENSIONS – Communication of basic pension/Family Pension to the Pensioners – Constitution of District level and State level Committee ­ Orders ­ Issued|FINANCE (HRM.V) DEPARTMENT/2016/09/gomsno123-communication-of-basic-pension-family-pension-to-the-pensioners-constitution-of-district-level-stste-level-committee-orders-issued.html


  1. In the Government Order 4th read above, orders were issued constituting Tenth Pay Revision Commission appointing Sri Pradeep Kumar Agarwal, IAS (Retd) as Pay Revision Commissioner laying down the terms of reference of the Commission.
  2. The Tenth Pay Revision Commission submitted its report to the Government on 29.05.2014 and recommended, inter alia, for constitution of District and State level Committees for communication of basic pension/ family pension as and when it is revised, as below.
  3. “The Pay Revision Commission recommended for the constitution of a committee   at District level to oversee whether the information relating to the communication of the amount of basic pension, is being sent to the pensioners / Family pensioners as and when it is revised. The Committee be headed by the District Treasury Officer and a few representatives of the Pensioners Association may be nominated  as the members  of  the committee. So far as the Twin Cities are concerned, the Pension Payment Officer, Hyderabad may chair the committee with representatives of the pensioners as the members of the Committee. Similarly, at the state level also a committee may be constituted with the Secretary to Government in the Finance Department as Chairman and Director of Treasuries and Accounts as the Convener and a few representatives of the State Pensioners’ Association as members of the committee. The State Level Committee may review the functioning of the District level  Committees periodically at least once in a quarter.”
  4.  After careful consideration of the Report, Government decided to accept the recommendations of the Pay Revision Commissioner and hereby order that: