MIDHANI Recruitment 2021: From eligible candidates for undergoing one year Apprenticeship training Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited invites application under the Apprentices (Amendment) Act 1961/ 1973. Recently MIDHANI MDNL released new MIDHANI Jobs Notification [MDN/ADMIN/APPT TRNG/GAT-TAT/01/2021-22 & MDN/ADMIN/APPT TRNG/TAT(ITI)/02/2021-22] on 25.10.2021 to 140 Vacancies. These vacancies are assigned for Trade Apprentice, Graduate Apprentice & Technician Apprentice as per the MDNL recruitment notification and post wise vacancy details are given below. Applicants can kindly submit your online mode application up to 13.11.2021 who want to get Diploma jobs in central government .
Aspirants, kindly submit your hard copies of the online application to given address on or before the last date and this is only for the candidates candidates who have applied for the ITI Trade Apprentice posts. @ www.midhani-india.in MIDHANI Recruitment notification is available . In Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) the Interested and Eligible candidates have to register i.e. www.apprenticeshipindia.org/ www.mhrdnats.gov.in. Based on merit list MIDHANI selection takes place . Candidates must check their eligibility i.e. educational qualification, age limit, experience and etc. who are seeking Engineering Jobs . More details will be uploaded on official website of Midhani Hyderabad recruitment, vacancy in Midhani, upcoming Midhani India Jobs notices, syllabus, answer key, merit list, selection list, admit card, result, upcoming central govt notifications and etc..

MIDHANI MDNL Recruitment 2021: Details
Name of the Organisation: Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited
Name of the Advertisement: 1. MDN/ADMIN/APPT TRNG/GAT-TAT/01/2021-22
Name of the Job: Trade Apprentice, Graduate Apprentice & Technician Apprentice
Total number of vacancies: 140
Location of the Job: Hyderabad/ Across India
Date of the Notification: 25.10.2021
Last date to submit the application: 10.11.2021
Vacancy Details of MIDHANI Apprentice :
A total of 140 vacancies are allotted for this recruitment as per the notification.
Name of the
No of
Rs.7700/ Rs.8050
Rs. 8000
Midhani Apprentice Vacancy: Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualification:
1. ITI/ Diploma/ Engineering should be possessed by the applicants from recognized university.
2. For educational qualification check the Advertisement.
What is the Age Limit for MIDHANI Recruitment 2021?
For age limit and rlaxation you check the official notification.
What is the Selection Process for MIDHANI Recruitment 2021?
Based on Merit List MDNL selection takes place.
Mode of Application:
1. Applications will be accepted only via online mode.
2. Aspirants, kindly submit your hard copies of the online application to given address on or before the last date and this is only for the candidates who have applied for the ITI Trade Apprentice posts.
3. Address: Deputy Manager (TIS & Apprenticeship Training), Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited, Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad-500058.
How to download Midhani Apprentice Recruitment 2021 Notification?
1. First visit the official website midhani-india.in.
2. Then click “Career” find the advertisement, and then click on the advertisement.
3. Now the notification will open, read it and check Eligibility.
4. Go Back to the page and find apply link.
5. If you are new user, mke sure that you have to make registration otherwise you might login to your account then start to apply.
6. Enter your details correctly.
7. Atlast click the submit button and take a print of the application form.
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDHANI)
Recruitment for 158 Trade Apprentices Online Application
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited Recruitment 2020 : MIDHANI, a Mini Ratna - I and an ISO 9001-2008 & AS 9100C Company, is a high tech Metallurgical industry under the administrative control of Ministry of Defence, engaged in the manufacture of super alloys and special steels, titanium alloys in various mill forms and shapes for strategic sectors like Defence, Space, Atomic Energy and also for Commercial sectors. Company requires 158 ITI Trade Apprentices, two batches for one year apprenticeship training under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 in the following trades:

Midhani Recruitment Details:
Fitter – 50
Electrician – 48
Machinist – 20
Turner – 20
Welder – 20
Total No of Vacancies : 158
Educational Qualification:
Candidates should have passed iITI in relevant trades
Nationality : Indian
Selection Process:
Selection of the candidates will be decided based on the merit (percentage of marks obtained in the ITI – NCVT). The final selection will be subjected to verification of the certificates (Age, Qualification, Category, Aadhar) and medical fitness.
How to Apply Process:
The interested and eligible Trade Apprentices (ITI passed out) candidates who ever registered their names at web portal at www.apprenticeshipindia.org send the certificate (Xerox copies) along with
Portal Registration Number as above mentioned address (Application form attached).
1. Interested and eligible candidates can visit the MIDHANI URL:://www.midhani-india.in > careers and then read carefully the eligibility criteria and the instructions to send their manual applications.
2. Candidates should register their details at www.apprenticeshipindia.org portal without Portal Registration Numbers applications will be summarily rejected.
3. Candidates are advised to fill the prescribed application form in detail (should be readable) in English and the filled application form along with all the supporting documents of Age, Qualification, Category Etc.
4. The hard copies of the applications should reach to Deputy Manager (TIS & Apprenticeship Training), Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited, Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad – 500058 on or before 16.10.2020 till 1700 Hrs
5. Candidates are required to possess a valid e-mail ID and contact mobile phone number, which is to be entered in the application form so that intimation regarding selection process can be sent. MIDHANI will not be responsible for bouncing of e-mail sent to the candidates.
6. In case of any clarifications, candidates may please contact 040 - 2418- 4508.
Last date for submission of manual applications will be 16.10.2020
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