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Monday, August 1, 2016

Visakhapatnam Port Trust Recruitment 2016

Visakhapatnam Port Trust Recruitment 2016|Visakhapatnam Port Trust invites application for the post of Senior Medical Officer (Orthopaedics) By direct recruitment| Apply before 26 August 2016|Recruitment Notification for Senior Medical Officer (Orthopaedics) in Visakhapatnam Port Trust
Visakhapatnam Port Trust Recruitment 2016|Visakhapatnam Port Trust invites application for the post of Senior Medical Officer (Orthopaedics) By direct recruitment| Apply before 26 August 2016|Recruitment Notification for Senior Medical Officer (Orthopaedics) in Visakhapatnam Port Trust2016/08/visakhapatnam-port-trust-recruitment-2016-senior-medical-officer.html

Job Details

1. Name of the Post  : Senior Medical Officer (Orthopaedics)
2. No. of Posts          :1 (One) (Unreserved)
3. Classification          :Class – I
4. Scale of Pay          :Rs.20600-46500
5. Whether  Selection  or Non- selection : N.A.
6. Upper Age limit          :40 years.
7. Educational qualificationsl: (i) MBBS degree from a recognised University or for Sr. Medical Officer (dental), BDS degree of a recognised University.
(ii) A post-graduate (PG) medical degree/diploma in the specified speciality from a recognised university and Post qualification experience of 3 years in case of PG Degree holders and 05 years experience in case of PG Diploma holders in a reputed hospital in the relevant field of specialization.
8. Method of Recruitment By direct recruitment

Other conditions:

1. The candidates should possess the requisite experience and qualifications as on  01.07.2016.
2. Upper age limit is relaxable to the extent of 3 years in the case of OBC Candidates and 5 years in the case of SC/ST Candidates will be allowed. The OBC Candidates have to submit the latest caste certificate regarding their OBC Status as well as exclusion from creamy layer in the proforma prescribed by the Central Government. The upper age limit is also relaxable for Government servants as per extant rules. The SC/ST Candidates have to submit the latest caste certificate.
3. Candidates, if appointed will be governed by the New Pension Scheme, which came in to force w.e.f.01-01-2004 and other Rules & Regulations of Visakhapatnam Port Trust. Details will be intimated at the time of appointment.
4. Application in the model pro-forma available in Visakhapatnam Port Trust Web site be down loaded and filled in be submitted along with full particulars of Name, Address, Date of Birth, Qualifications and Experience etc., with relevant copies of Certificates, testimonials, two recent passport size photos, latest Caste Certificate whether belongs to OBC/SC/ST, duly attested should be sent through the Competent Authority of their Organization to reach “The Secretary, Visakhapatnam Port Trust, Visakhapatnam-530 035” on or before 26.08.2016 SUPERSCRIBING the cover “APPLICATION TO THE POST OF SENIOR MEDICAL OFFICER (Orthopaedics) (CLASS-I)”.
5. Applications of those already in service should be got forwarded through their Employer duly furnishing “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE”, along with ACR’s for the last 5 years.
6. Depending up on the requirement, VPT reserves the right to cancel/restrict/curtail the Recruitment process without any further notice and without assigning any reasons thereof.
7. No advance copy of application from the applicant will be accepted. Competent Authority of the respective Organisation must forward every application. Those applications, which are forwarded by the Competent Authority of the respective Organisation, will only be considered.
8. Incomplete applications and applications received after due date and applications which are not forwarded by the Competent Authority of respective Organisations will summarily be rejected. In such cases, no correspondence from the applicants shall be entertained.

Click Here for Visakhapatnam Port Trust Recruitment 2016