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Sunday, August 14, 2016

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy Recruitment Notification 2016 12 Stenographer posts

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy Recruitment Notification for 12 Stenographer posts|Ministry of Home Affairs|Applications are invited from eligible individuals for filling up the following post in Sardar Vailabhbhai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderabad, purely on outsourcing / contract basis for a period of one year or till the regular vacancy is filled up|Download Application form for the post of Stenographer in Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy Hyderabad

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy Recruitment Notification for 12 Stenographer posts|Ministry of Home Affairs|Applications are invited from eligible individuals for filling up the following post in Sardar Vailabhbhai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderabad, purely on outsourcing / contract basis for a period of one year or till the regular vacancy is filled up|Download Application form for the post of Stenographer in Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy Hyderabad/2016/08/sardar-vallabhbhai-patel-national-police-academy-recruitment-notification-ministry-of-home-affairs-download-application-form.html

Job Description

Applications are invited from eligible individuals for filling up the following post in Sardar Vailabhbhai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderabad, purely on outsourcing / contract basis for a period of one year or till the regular vacancy is filled up, whichever is earlier. Pay and other eligible criteria are given below. 

  1. Location:Hyderabad
  2. Last Date Of Sending Application Form:19-Aug-2016
  3. Vacancy Details:Stenographer - 12
  4. Job Type:Contractual
  5. Qualification Details:Should have passed Intermediate or equivalent examination from a recognised Board/University
  6. Age Limit Details:Maximum age is 65 years.
  7. Pay Scale:Payscale is Rs 20730/- fixed Monthly emoluments.

How To Apply

  1. * Eligible candidate should fill the form following the proforma mentioned in the attached pdf.
  2. * Attach all the required document with valid personal details.
  3. * Send it to the Address: The Deputy Director(Estt), SVP National Police Academy, Hyderabad 500052

Documents Required:Education certificates has to be enclosed along with the application form.

Selection Procedure:Selection process may include test / interview.

Click Here to  Download Notification and Application Form