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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Rail India Technical and Economic Service Limited Recruitment (RITES) Recruitment for Graduate Engineer Trainees & Engineering professionals Apply Online

Rail India Technical and Economic Service Limited Recruitment (RITES) Recruitment for Graduate Engineer Trainees &  Engineering professionals Apply Online

Rail India Technical and Economic Service Limited Recruitment : RITES Limited has published a notification for the recruitment of Graduate Engineer Trainees and Engineering Professionals vacancies on regular basis. Candidates those who are interested in this vacancy can know the details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the below given Notifications & Apply Online.

RITES Ltd., a Mini Ratna Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India is a premier multi-disciplinary consultancy organization in the fields of transport, infrastructure and related technologies.  
RITES Ltd. is in need of dynamic and hard working professionals as under:
Application Fee :
For General/OBC Candidates Rs. 600/- plus Taxes as applicable
For EWS/ SC/ST/ PWD Candidates Rs. 300/- plus Taxes as applicable.

Selection Procedure :
On the basis of applications received, eligible candidates will be required to appear in the written test (OffLine/On-Line). The candidates may be shortlisted for selection on the basis of performance in the written test. 

Based upon the performance in the Written Test, and fulfilling the conditions of eligibility; candidates shall be shortlisted for Interview.

The weightage distribution of various parameters of the selection shall be as under:
1. Experience - 5%
2. Written Test - 60%
3. Interview - 35%
Total 100%

The following are the Test Centers for Written Test:
1).  Delhi/Gurgaon
2). Kolkata
3).  Chennai
4).  Mumbai
5).  Hyderabad
6).  Nagpur

How to Apply :
1). Before applying candidates should ensure that they satisfy the necessary conditions and requirements of the position.
2). Interested candidates fulfilling the above laid down eligibility criteria are required to apply online in the registration format available in the Career Section of RITES website,
3). While submitting the online application; the system would generate ‘Registration No.’ on top of online form filled up by the candidate. Note down this “Registration No.” and quote it for all further communication with RITES Ltd.
4). While filling up the required details, candidates are advised to carefully and correctly fill the details of “Identity Proof”. Candidates are also advised to note the same and ensure the availability of the same Identity Proof as it will be required to be produced in original at later stages of selection (if called).
5). After filling up the required details under the “Fill/ Modify Application Form”, click on “Make payment”. The payment details show the amount to be paid to the bank based on your category.
6). Applications without successful fee payment shall be treated as incomplete and shall be summarily rejected.

Important Dates:

1).  Commencement of submission of online application and online payment of fees : 30.07.2021

2).  Last date of submission of online application and online payment of fees : 25.08.2021

3).  Date of selection To be notified later

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