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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Rc No 3215 TSSA U-DISE Schedule in Telangana

U-DISE 2016-17 Schedule in Telangana SSA Telangana Hyderabad U-DISE Schedule Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Rajeev Vidya Mission RVM Unified District Information for School Education U-DISE Schedule

Instructions on Unified District Information of School Education

  • As per Government of India mandate the information to be collected in Student Data Capture Format of School Education Department right from pre-primary sections to higher secondary / Jr. Colleges. 
  • A tentative schedule communicatingby indicating dates to conduct training programmes, collection of data, verification at various levels and data entry etc.  The entire exercise shall be completed as per the schedule as the data is very much essential for the formulation of SSA, RMSA, MDM Annual Plan and State Government Budget Plan for the year 2017-18.
  • Communication of dates of training programmes to the participants and arrangements for data entry at district point shall be taken up well in advance to avoid last minute confusion and delay in completion of the task.
  • District Collector may be requested to convene a meeting with the officials of stake holder departments i.e., Social Welfare, Tribal Welfare, BC Welfare, TSREIS and Intermediate Education to ensure their coordination in collection of Student U-DISE data from all the schools / colleges.
  • The following guidelines / format shall be got printed / Xeroxed at district level & provided to the concerned for taking necessary action:
  • General guidelines – for supervisory / verifying officers like DEOs, POs, Sectoral Officers, MEOs, School Complex HMs, RIOs / DVEOs of Intermediate Education.  These guidelines shall be got Xeroxed at district level equal to the no. of officers.
  • DCF consists two parts : Part – I (Consisting of 35 column format in A3 size with available information of children) - this part should be got printed through software for all schools in the state.
  • DCF Part-II (specific guidelines) – this part should be got printed at district level equal to the no. of schools in the district and attached to DCF (Part-I) and given to the Headmasters during the training programme for collection of data. 
  • A complete set (General guidelines + DCF – Part I and Part – II) shall be given to supervisory officers in a booklet form.The budget may be met from the REMS and Management Cost of AWP&B 2016-17.
  • The student data shall be filled as per school records.
  • Filled in Student U-DISE formats shall be collected from all the schools.  
  • After collection, the Student U-DISE data has to be verified at 100% School Complex level by Complex HMs/ CRPsand 20% by MEOs / MIS Coordinators to ensure correct data from all institutions.
  • The CRP is responsible for collection formats from school point and MIS Coordinators and Data Entry Operators are responsible for computerization of formats within time limits under the supervision of Mandal Educational Officer.
  • The DLMTs also made responsible for implementation of entire programme in their division.
  • Even after verification of data at various levels, certain variations were found in the items like management, infrastructure, enrolment and other facilities during 2015-16.  Hence, the data shall be verified scrupulously to avoid variations as it is used for numerous purposes at state and national levels.
  • After entry of data, a printout of UDISE DCF of the schools shall be taken & got it verified. 
  • DEOs / POs / RIOs / DVEOs / DyEOs shall verify the filled in DCFs at district level randomly to check the correctness of data.
  • The verified formats shall be submitted to MRC for computerization through online inrespect of Government schools (Primary and Upper Primary) regarding high schools, welfare schools, aided, private schools and Jr. Colleges the computerization shall be taken at their school / college points.

 TSSA U-DISE 2016-17 Schedule in Telangana

  1. Training of Mandal MIS Coordinators, Data Entry Operators on U-DISE DCF and Student-DCF, Instructions for filling Scrutiny/Cross-checking     : 05.08.2016
  2. Training of CRPs and Headmasters of all schools and Principals of Junior Colleges on  U-DISE DCF and Student-DCF, Instructions for filling/ Scrutiny/Cross-checking    :6th& 7th August’16
  3. Video Conference with District Officials and MEOs on Student DCF 2016-17    :08.08.2016
  4. Filling up of Data Capture Formats by school HMs    :8th to 10th August’16
  5. Scrutiny and cross checking of 100% Student DCFs at School Complex Level by School Complex HM and CRP    :11th to 15th August’16
  6. Data Entry (from school) based on Student DCF (If the infrastructure, Computer, Internet and manpower is available in the schools): 2nd week of August
  7. Sending filled-in, verified Student-DCF from the school to Cluster/Block/District level (where the data entry provisions are made). (If the infrastructure (Computer, Internet and manpower) is not available in the schools): 3rd to week of August
  8. Data Entry (from Cluster/Block/District) based on Student-DCF.(From the level where infrastructure, Computer, Internet and manpower is available.): Till Mid of September : 16.08.2016 to 15.09.2016
  9. Printing of complete U-DISE DCF & Instructions Manual: Print the complete U-DISE DCF along with enrolment aggregate tables from the software: 30th End of September
  10. Observing U-DISE Day: 30thSept’16
  11. Click here to Download Rc 3215 Dt 03.08.2016