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Monday, August 8, 2016

MIDHANI Recruitment 2016

Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited|MIDHANI Recruitment 2016|05 Manager, Dy Manager & Assistant Manager Vacancies|Last Date 20 August|Apply online for MIDHANI Recruitment 2016 Notification|A Mini Ratna-I Company  Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited|MIDHANI Recruitment 2016|05 Manager, Dy Manager & Assistant Manager Vacancies|Last Date 20 August|Apply online for MIDHANI Recruitment 2016 Notification|A Mini Ratna-I Company Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad /2016/08/midhani-recruitment-2016-Mishra-Dhatu-Nigam-Limited-apply-online-for-Deputy-manager-assistant-manager-vacancies.html

MIDHANI, a Mini Ratna-I and an ISO 9001-2008 company, is a hi-tech Metallurgical industry under the administrative control of Ministry of Defence, engaged in the manufacture of superalloys and special steels, titanium alloys in various mill forms and shapes for strategic sectors like Defence, Space, Atomic Energy and also for Commercial sectors. The company has about 800 employees. The present turnover of the Company is over Rs. 750 Crores. The Company requires outstanding Professionals in the following areas:

MIDHANI Recruitment 2016

Job Details :

  • Post Name : Manager
  • No of Vacancy : 03 Posts
  • Pay Scale : Rs. 24900-50500/-

  • Post Name : Dy Manager
  • No of Vacancy : 01 Post
  • Pay Scale : Rs. 20600-4650000/-

  • Post Name :  Manager
  • No of Vacancy : 01 Post
  • Pay Scale : Rs. 16400-40500/-

Qualifications & Experience: 

a)Asst Manager(Casting) (Gr-II) ( 1post): Qualification & Experience: 60% of marks in B.E /B Tech( Mechanical Engineering /Metallurgical Engineering). Minimum of 2 yrs post qualification experience in a reputed foundry (Sand Castings/ Investment Castings) with relevant experience in melting & melting process in induction melting furnaces and capable of handling independently. Should possess thorough knowledge of various steel grades & standards, casting qualification processes. Experience in Super alloy melting & casting is preferable.

b)Dy Manager(Casting) (Gr-III) ( 1post):
Qualification & Experience: 60% of marks in B.E /B Tech( Mechanical Engineering /Metallurgical
Engineering). Minimum of 4 yrs post qualification experience in a reputed foundry (Sand
Castings/ Investment Castings) with relevant experience in melting & melting process in
induction melting furnaces. Should possess thorough knowledge of various steel grades &
standards, casting qualification processes with expertise in understanding casting drawings
Experience in Super alloy melting & Titanium casting is preferable. The candidate shall have
hands on experience in shop floor(Sand Mould/ Investment Shell) & exposure to risering &
gating system.

c) Manager( Electrical)(Gr-IV) (1post):
Qualification & Experience: 60% of marks in B.E /B Tech( Electrical Engineering) with minimum
7 years post qualification experience in Projects in any Medium / Heavy Steel Industry
associated with Steel/ Alloy Steel/ Aluminium/ Aluminium Alloy manufacturing & processing.
Should have experience in erection, commissioning & maintenance of HT/LT supply systems,
PLC programming, Drives & controls, troubleshooting, revamping of equipment & process line
automation. Should have experience in Project Planning-execution & control to avoid cost-time
over run, preparation/ reviews of drawings, identify risk &mitigation plan. Should have
knowledge in preparation of estimates & technical specifications, tendering, evaluation of
technical offers

d) Manager(Mechanical)(Gr-IV)(1post):
Qualification & Experience: 60% of marks in B.E /B Tech( Mechanical Engineering) with
minimum 7 years post qualification experience in Projects in any Medium / Heavy Steel
Industry associated with Steel/ Alloy Steel/ Aluminium/ Aluminium Alloy manufacturing &
processing. Should have experience in erection, commissioning & maintenance,
troubleshooting, revamping of equipment & process line, high pressure hydraulic systems,
servo/proportional valve systems, piping work. Should have experience in Project Planningexecution
& control to avoid cost-time over run, preparation/ reviews of drawings, identify risk
&mitigation plan. Should have knowledge in preparation of estimates & technical
specifications, tendering, evaluation of technical offers.

e) Manager(Mechanical Design)(Gr-IV) (1post):
Qualification & Experience: 60% of marks in B.E /B Tech( Mechanical Engineering) with
minimum 7 years post qualification experience in Design of process equipment in any Medium /
Heavy Steel Industry associated with Steel/ Alloy Steel/ Aluminium/ Aluminium Alloy
manufacturing & processing. Proficiency in 2D & 3D design & drawing software like Auto CAD,
Pro E etc. Should have experience in equipment modification.

How to apply:

a) The interested and eligible candidates can visit the MIDHANI URL:// and then read carefully the eligibility criteria and the
instructions to apply online by clicking on the link e-recruitment.
b) Application should be submitted strictly ‘ONLINE’ by logging on to Midhani website
given above. The website will be kept open between 1000 Hrs on 06.08.2016 till
1700 Hrs on 20.08.2016 for this purpose.
c) Candidates are required to possess a valid E-mail ID, and contact mobile number
which is to be entered in the application so that intimation regarding Interview can
be sent. Midhani will not be responsible for bouncing of E-mail sent to the
d) The candidate have to make a payment of Rs.100/-(Rupees one hundred only)
towards application fee through online payment using the debit card/ credit card/
net banking using the payment link available. Candidates belonging to
SC/ST/PWD/Ex-Servicemen category are not required to pay the application fee.
e) Candidates have to upload all the relevant documents pertaining to date of birth
proof(SSC certificate), qualification, category, experience through the link available
in the application form. Application without supporting documents will not be
f) After successful submission of online application, the candidate can take print out of
the submitted application and keep it for future reference. “Candidates need not
send the hard copy”. Applicants from Govt/Quasi Govt/PSU should submit No
Objection Certificate at the time of interview.