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Thursday, August 11, 2016

GO MS No 155 APPSC Direct Recruitments Scheme of Examination-Amendments

GO MS No 155 Date 11.08.2016 APPSC Direct Recruitments Scheme of Examination-Amendments | APPSC Group I Group II Recruitments examnation Scheme changed Direct Recruitments from Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Scheme of Examination certain amendments Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission - Direct Recruitment- Scheme for  recruitment to certain categories of posts – Amendment -    Issued


  1. In the Government Order 2nd cited, Examination Scheme for various services was prescribed.
  2. Government have examined the requirement of Descriptive tests and Interviews for Lower level posts in Tune with the latest National Policy. Accordingly, Scheme of Examinations for various services was reframed and notified through G.O.  3rd read above.
  3. However, a few more changes have become necessary to certain posts. In exercise of the powers vested with Government as per Article 320 of the Constitution of India and as per Regulation 14A of Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission’s Regulations, 1963, revised Annexure-II and Annexure-V are appended to G.O.Ms.No.141, Dated:01.08.2016 duly replacing the existing Annexure-II and Annexure-V and new Annexure-VII is also  added  to  the  said G.O.
  4. With the issue of these orders the contents contained in reference third read above become in-operational in so far as they are inconsistent with these  orders.
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