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Sunday, July 3, 2016

RC.133 Trainings to PETs/PDs on Martial Arts Yoga Fitness

 RC.133 Trainings to PETs/PDs on Martial Arts Yoga Fitness from 13-7-2016 to 17-7-2016

RC.133 Trainings to PETs/PDs on Martial Arts Yoga Fitness from 13-7-2016 to 17-7-2016/2016/07/rc133-trainings-to-petspds-on-martial-arts-yoga-fitness.html

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the state are invited to the references read above and they are informed that the Director of School Education & Ex-Officio, Project Director, RMSA, Telangana is pleased to conduct a Residential Training Programme on Martial Arts, Yoga and Fitness training to the total 200(Two hundred) Physical Directors, Physical Education Teachers and Physical Education Vidya Volunteers at 20 participants from each district from 13.07.2016 to 17.07.2016

In this connection all the District Educational Officers are requested to depute 20 (twenty) Physical Directors / Physical Education Teachers / Physical Education Vidya Volunteers of their districts whose age is less than 35 years and also ensure that out of the total participants 50% should be females i.e 10 Teachers and issue instructions to the Participants to report the Course Director i.e Principal, Govt. College of Physical Education, Domalguda, Hyderabad on 12.07.2016 Afternoon without fail and all the participants shall maintain dress code of shoes, T-shirts and lower/track and should follow the Time Table enclosed herewith

Further, they are instructed to send their Nominations / Participants list on or before 04-07-2016 to make necessary arrangements and for further assistance contact Dr.K.Ram Reddy, Principal Govt. College of Physical Education, Domalguda, Hyderabad Cell.No.9010292258

Click Here to  Download  RC.133 Trainings to PETs/PDs on Martial Arts Yoga Fitness