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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

UPSC Recruitment 2016 for Enforcement Officer/ Accounts Officer, Apply before 23 June

UPSC Recruitment 2016 for Enforcement Officer/ Accounts Officer, Apply before 23 June|Union Public Service Commission| Provident Fund Organisation, Ministry of Labour & Employment. 

UPSC Recruitment 2016 for Enforcement Officer/ Accounts Officer, Apply before 23 June|Union Public Service Commission| Provident Fund Organisation, Ministry of Labour & Employment. /2016/06/upsc-recruitment-2016-for-enforcement-officer-accounts-officer-union-public-service-commission-ministry-of-labour-and-employement.html

Union Public Service Commission invited applications for recruitment to the post for Enforcement Officers/Accounts Officer Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, Ministry of Labour & Employment. The candidates eligible for the post can apply through the prescribed format on or before 23 June 2016 (23.59 PM).
Under UPSC Recruitment 2016, there is Enforcement Officers/Accounts Officer Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, Ministry of Labour & Employment.

Eligibility for Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer: candidate should have completed Graduation from a recognised university.

Selection procedure; pen & paper based Recruitment Test (RT) to short-list the candidates for the subsequent Interview for recruitment to the posts of Enforcement Officers/Accounts Officers and shall be conducted by the Commission.

Syllabus for Recruitment examination:

The syllabus of the Test will broadly comprise the following topics:-

General English- To evaluate candidate’s understanding of English
language & workman – like use of words.
Indian Freedom Struggle.
Current Events and Developmental Issues.
Indian Polity & Economy.
General Accounting Principles.
Industrial Relations & Labour Laws.
General Science & knowledge of Computer applications.
General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude.
Social Security in India.
Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website, in prescribed format, on or before 23 June 2016 (23.59 PM).

UPSC Recruitment 2016 for 257 Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer Posts – Vacancy Details

UPSC Vacancy Details:

Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer – 257 Posts
 How to Apply: Apply online through the official website, in prescribed format, on or before 23 June 2016 (23.59 PM).
Important dates:
Last Date of Online Application: 23 June 2016 (23.59 PM).
Notification Details:
Advertisement No: 53/2016