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Saturday, June 18, 2016

TS SI Recruitment Physical Efficiency Test Schedule by TSLPRB

Shedule for Physical Measurement Test for SCT SIs in Telangana | Physical effeciency test for Sub Inspectors SIs schedule from 27.06.2016 in TS The Preliminary Test for Recruitment of SCT SIs in Telangana released in official website Physical Effeciency Test Schedule and Venues in Telangana State for SCT SIs ( Civil/AR/SAR/TSSP) in Police Department of Telangana State

All the candidates who have qualified in the priliminary written Test have to appear for verification of Identity ( Aadhaar/ Biometric ) scrutiny of filled Online application from along with relevant certificates with original and xerox copies and undergo Physical measurements Test and Physisscal Effeciency Test at the designated venues in the district cities. Schedule from 27.06.2016 to 05.07.2016 for the recruitments of SCT SIs
  1. SCT SIs ( Civil/AR/SAR/TSSP/SPO/SFO ) 27.06.2016 to 05.07.2016
  2. SCT SIs PTO                                                  04.07.2016
  3. SCT SIs Common                                          05.07.2016

Instructions to Candidates

  1. Candidates will be called in two spells i.e 600 candidates at 7am and another 600 at 1pm
  2. Candidates are informed to Download Intimation letter from official Website from 18.06.2016 2pm onwards
  3. Candidates whose intimation letter could not be downloaded they contact at 040-23150362 & 23150462
  4. Click here to Download Schedule