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Friday, June 3, 2016

AP Rc.73 ,Creation of Teacher Data Base - updation of teacher data base by the individual concerned -extension of date

AP Rc.73 ,Creation of Teacher Data Base - updation of teacher data base by the individual concerned -extension of date

AP Rc.73 ,Creation of Teacher Data Base - updation of teacher data base by the individual concerned -extension of date /2016/06/rc73-creation-of-teacher-data-base-updattion-of-teacher-data-base-by-the-individual-concerned-extension-of-date.html

Rc. No. 73/1T-Cell/ 2016
Dated: 25/05/2016
Sub:- School Education - Creation of Teacher Data Base - updation of teacher data base by the individual concerned -extension of date - orders issued - Reg.
Ref : This office procs even No. dt 30-04-2016 and 20/05/2016.
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The attention of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the reference above, wherein the District Educational Officers in the state were requested to issue necessary instructions to all the Teachers/Headmasters/Mandal Educational Officers/Deputy Educational Officers to update teachers information by the individual concerned and complete the process on or before 31-05- 2016 without fail.
objective for developing the teacher data system (IDS) is to ensure corred and reliable data on teachers in each district to facilitate appropriate training, upto date seniority lists, timely promotions, etc. This database will also help in making correct assessment of number of subject teacher requirernent and deployment. Consequently it is important to ensure that the teachers data is updated correctly, diligently and validated at respective levels.
All the Regional Joint Director of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the state are informed that by considering the feedback received during the Video Conference held on 24-05-2016, requests received from some teacher unions and associations, and due to initial technical problem with the Server, the date of completion of updation of teacher data base is being extended upto 05-06-2016.
it may also be noted that the teachers who are due to retire on or before 30.9.2016 need not update their information. All the Regional Joint Director of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to issue necessary instructions to all concern..

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