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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Rc 359 RMSA Grants for 2016-17 Year and Utilisation Norms

Rc 359 RMSA Grants for 2016-17 Year and Utilisation Norms RMSA Annual Grants for 2016-17 year and Utilisation guidelines SE- RMSA- Release of funds towards implementation of  RMSA  Programme in Andhra Pradesh under the components of School Annual Grants and Minor Repairs at School level - Utilization of funds – Comprehensive guidelines and instructions – Issued – Reg.

All the Head Masters/ Principals & Chairmen of School Management Development Committees of identified Secondary Schools & all the District Educational Officer & Ex- Officio District Project Coordinators of RMSA in the State are informed that the Commissioner of School Education & Ex-Officio Project Director, RMSA, A.P., Hyderabad is pleased to accord sanction and released an amount of Rs.29,84,95,000/- (Rupees Twenty Nine Crores Eighty Four Lakhs Ninety Five Thousand Only) based on the enrolment to the identified 5953 Secondary schools in the State (list of schools enclosed) towards School Annual Grants for the year 2016-17.
Further, they are informed that the comprehensive instruction & guidelines for utilization of school grants have been prepared and already been communicated (Copy enclosed) vide reference 2nd & 3rd read above.
Therefore, they are requested to follow the instructions & Guidelines for utilization school grants (Copy enclosed) and they are also requested to compliance the report of expenditure particulars for utilization grants for every three months.

Suggestive Guidelines on utilization of the Annual School Grants under  RMSA for year 2016-17

The  Annual  School Grants @Rsl.50,000/-  (@ Rs. 40,000.00 in total   and Minor Repair Grant @ Rs. 10,000.00) under AWP&B 2015-16 of RMSA, Andhra Pradesh are
being released to the School Management and Development Committees (SMDCs) of Govt. Secondary and Higher Secondary (having secondary section) schools maintaining A/C in various Banks by way of Bank transfer from State Office of RMSA, AP. The Grants are released to those schools who submitted the utilization the school grants released during 2014-15. The details of the Annual School Grants and the Minor Repair grant released to the schools in 2014-15 are as follows-

1. Purchase of Books, periodicals, news papers etc. (Rs.0.10 lakh per school): To strengthen the library and enhance knowledge & information for teachers as well as students of Secondary schools and Higher Secondary schools, the grant will be utilized for
a. Purchasing of reference books for teacher & students, b.Newspapers, periodicals/journals/magazines etc on need basis.
(Purchase of books with due reference to the lists of books recommended by the KVS (or) recommended by the State Governments (or) Text Books and Reference Books for teachers should also be included or as per the scheme formulated by Raja Ram Mohan  Roy Library Foundation, the nodal agency of Govt. of India to support public library services and systems.)
(Books may be purchased from the Book Fair which will be organized under RMSA at district level.)
2. Water, electricity, telephone charges etc. (Rs.0.10 lakh per school): For smooth functioning of the school and to meet the daily expenses of the school, this grant will be utilized in Secondary and Higher Secondary (having secondary section) schools. The grant will cover-
  1. Water,
  2. Electricity,
  3. Telephone charges, internet charges/ other rates and taxes,
  4. Equipments for Sports, music, dance, painting, culture etc.
  5. Teaching aids, instruments & appliances,
  6. Stationery etc.

3. Grant for Minor Repairing (Rs.0.10 lakh per school): To meet the urgent need for minor repairing and renovation of existing school buildings, this grant will be utilized and the suggestive works are-
  1. Repair of School building,
  2. Toilets,
  3. Tanks,
  4. Play Ground,
  5. School Campus,
  6.  Conservancy Services,
  7. Electrical fittings,
  8. Sanitary & Other fittings, Furniture and fixtures etc.
4.         Sanitation and ICT : ( Rs.0.15 lakh per school) To meet the expenditure of Sanitation worker not exceed Rs.1000/- may be allowed. To meet the Allowance of  Rs.500/- for teachers who allotted and to look after the  activities of ICT in the school.
5.        Need Based works and Permission authority: Other Expenditure time to time on need based : The suggestive items on need based to meet the expenditure with prior permission should be taken from the District Education Officer for limitation of Rs.5000/- and Regional Joint Director is competent to provide permission upto 10000/- on detailed report and outcomes  should be submitted by the SMDC chairman (Head Master) along  with resolution copy so as to take the decision by the competent authorities.