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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Rc 03 Guidelines on Uploading School wise Marks in CSE Website

AP.Rc.No.3,Dt.06.05.2016 Guidelines for Uploading Summative -III Marks: PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMISSIONER OF SCHOOL EDUCATION ANDHRA PRADESH, HYDERABAD Proc. Rc. 3/B/C&T/SCERT/2016  Dated: 06-05-2016 SCERT, AP, Hyderabad – School Education Department – Conducting Common Summative – III Examination -  From class VI to X in all the Govt. schools in the State of Andhra Pradesh – Valuation of Answer Scripts and Verification – uploading of marks of students onto the CSE websiste-certain guidelines-issued - Reg.


  1. G.O.Ms.No. 82, School Edn (Prog.II) Dept, dated: 29.10.2015  From JS to C.M., CMP No. 1315/JS/2015, dated 02.01.2016
  2. Govt. Memo.No. 124632/Prog-II/A1/2016, dated: 13.01.2016.
  3. G.O.Ms.No. 12 School Edn (Prog.II) Dept, dated: 25.02.2016
  4. From the Commissioner of School Education, A.P. Hyderabad, Lr.Rc.No.302/A&I/ 2015, dated 26.02.2016.
  5. G.O.Ms.No. 20, School Edn. (Prog. II), Dept,  dated  28-3-2016.
  6. Proc.R.c.No.3/B/C&T/SCERT/2016 dt 19-4-16 of the CSE,A.P. Hyderabad

In continuation to the Examination Reforms mentioned in the reference 1st and 4th, all the District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors in the State are informed that as per reference 5th citied Summative III Examination are conducted in all the Govt.schools from class VI to IX in the month of April 2016 and papers are valued by teachers. Ten percent of the same valued papers are validated by the other mandal teachers in the month of May 2016.Now the marks of the students school wise have to be uploaded in the CSE website. The procedure of uploading will be demonstrated by the Sri.Rajamallu team of CGG through video conference. 

In view of the uploading the following guide lines are issued

  1. Orient all the M.E.Os and Dy.E.Os on the procedure of uploading.
  2. M.E.Os are responsible for uploading the marks all students of schools in his mandal.
  3. Dy.E.Os have to monitor daily progress of uploading and report to the D.E.Os every day till the completion of the uploading and provide proper guidance to Headmasters and M.E.Os.
  4. Instruct all the HMs to upload the marks all the students from class VI to IX and keep the records of the marks uploaded
  5. For uploading of marks follow the procedure and guidelines issued by the CGG
  6.  For any clarifications regarding the uploading marks, call the help desk Number specified by CGG in the booklet.
  7. Dy.E.Os collect information from mandals and inform the progress daily to the D.E.O,
  8. Uploading may be done at M.R.C with help of MIS coordinator or net centers/schools by using school UDIES code as Id
  9. Marks of every student,subject wise and academic standard wise should be entered.
  10. Instruct all the teachers to keep ready 20% marks of internals of every subject by adopting the procedure of internals calculation.(total sum of four FAs and two SAs is reduced to 20 marks)
  11. Along with S3 marks scored for 80 and I internal marks scored for 20 should be uploaded.
  12. The Four Co-curricular areas marks also upload in the website.
  13. Every school can download class wise student performance card, school card and student progress card.
  14. The total uploading process should be completed by 12-06-2016
  15. It is decided to upload all marks i.e Four FAs and Three SAs from Academic year 2016-17 as and when the  said examinations are completed.