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Thursday, June 30, 2016

TSOILFED Recruitment 2016 - 13 Manager, Dy Manager, AEE, Executive etc. Posts

TSOILFED Recruitment 2016 - 13 Manager, Dy Manager, AEE, Executive etc. Posts|TSOILFED Recruitment 2016 Notification

TSOILFED Recruitment 2016 

 13 Manager, Dy Manager, AEE, Executive etc. Posts: Telangana State Cooperative Oilseeds Growers Federation Limited (TSC Manager, Deputy Manager, Area Officer, AEE, Executive and Foreman posts to work in Oiipalm Processing Units/ field in Aswaraopet of Khammam District.

TSOILFED Recruitment 2016 - 13 Manager, Dy Manager, AEE, Executive etc. Posts|TSOILFED Recruitment 2016 Notification /2016/06/oucet-web-counselling-dates-201613-manager-Diputy-manager-AEE-Executive-posts.html

TSOILFED Recruitment 2016 - Vacancy Details:

1. Manager (Technical) 01
2. Dy. Manager (Agriculture) 02
3. Area Officer 01
4. Dy. Manager (Technical) 02
5. Assistant Executive Engineers 03
6. Foreman 03
7. Executive 01

Age Limit:
Candidate should not be more than be 36 years of age as on 01.04.2016.

Educational Qualifications:

  1. 1. Manager (Technical) - Post Graduation  in Mechanical Engineering and minimum three years experience or B.Tech with 7 years experience in middle Management cadre.
  2. 2. Dy. Manager (Agriculture) - Post Graduation  in Agriculture and minimum three years experience in middle Management cadre.
  3. 3. Area Officer - Graduation in  Agriculture and minimum three years experience in Agriculture.
  4. 4. Dy. Manager (Technical) - B.E/ B.Tech  (Mechanical Engineering) and minimum Five  years experience   in middle Management cadre.
  5. 5. Assistant Executive Engineers - B.E/B.Tech (Mechanica/ Electrical Engineering) and minimum of three years experience.
  6. 6. Foreman - ITI, Fitter with ten years experience.
  7. 7. Executive - MCA  with  5  years experience in net working, Programming.

How to Apply:

Eligible candidates can send their applications to the following address by registered post in a own designed proforma giving all relevant details in a sealed cover and super scribing the cover with Notification number and Post applied for.

VC & Managing Director,
Telangana State Cooperative Oilseeds Growers' Federation Ltd.,
9th Floor, Parisrama Bhavan,
Basheerbagh, Hyderabad -500004.

Last date for receipt of applications is 10.07.2016.

Click Here for TSOILFED Recruitment 2016  Notification