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Thursday, June 30, 2016

OUCET Web Counselling Dates 2016

OUCET Counselling Dates 2016|osmania University PGCET Web counselling dates 2016|Notification for Online Registration-Cum-Web Options| OUCET Web Options 2016

OUCET Counselling Dates 2016 : 

Directorate of Admissions Osmania University is going to release OUCET/OUPGCET (M.A, M.Sc, M.Com, M.S.W, M.E.D, M.C.J, B.L.I.Sc and PG Diploma Courses like 5years integrated courses) Ist Phase Rank Wise Counselling Dates/Notification 2016. Candidates can download OUPGCET Counseling details from official website.

 Admissions to P.G. and P.G. Diploma courses offered by various University constituent and affiliated colleges will be made through a centralized counselling process.  The counselling process, in general, commences during the last week of June / first week of July every year.

OUCET Counselling Dates 2016|osmania PGCET Web counselling dates 2016|Notification for Online Registration-Cum-Web Options| OUCET Web Options 2016/2016/06/oucet-web-counselling-dates-2016.html

Notification for Online Registration-Cum-Web Options

All the candidates, who have qualified in Osmania University Common Entrance Tests – 2016 for admission into various P.G. Courses (M.A., M.Sc., M.Com., M.S.W., M.C.J., B.L.I.Sc./M.L.I.Sc (2 Yrs) Etc..) offered by Osmania, Telangana, Mahatma Gandhi & Palamuru Universities in their campus, constituent and affiliated colleges, are hereby informed that the Online Registration Process and Exercising of Web Options for all eligible candidates will be open from 29.06.2016 to 03.07.2016.

Once the process of exercising of web options is over, a provisional allotment list of candidates for possible admission into various courses in various colleges will be generated through web based counseling.After this, only those candidates, who are in the provisional allotment list, will be called for certificate verification for the purpose of final allotment of the admission. If any of these candidates are not fulfilling the eligibility conditions or in the event of any wrong claims, their admission will be rejected.

Detailed instructions for Online Registration by all qualified candidates in OUCET-2016 and for exercising web based options will be placed in the websites, and Candidates are advised to go through these instructions carefully.

OUCET Counselling Dates 2016

Now the Osmania university had declared the written examination result and all those candidates who have appeared in the examination can now check their marks and score in each section and they can check their ranking in OUCET exam 2016. Based on this ranking now the candidates will be called for the counseling process and they will be called for the online counseling.

OUCET/OU PGCET Counseling 2016 Dates Schedule Procedure And Seat Allotment 2016, so, Telangana students who want to get the PG college admissions in this year should apply for counseling based on ranks .OUCET is the Common Entrance Test for admissions for the following types of courses those are M.A., M.Sc., M.Com., M.Ed., M.S.W., M.C.J., PG Diploma courses for Maths and Botany,physics ,Telugu English,Economics,History,Civics OUCET 2016 counselling dates 1st phase.

Required Documents for OUCET Counseling 2016 :-

  1. OUCET Hall Ticket – 2016.
  2. OUCET Rank Card – 2016.
  3. SSC/10th Class Certificate.
  4. Original certificate and Memorandum of marks of qualifying exam.
  5. Transfer Certificate (TC).
  6. Income Certificate.
  7. Community Certificate.
  8. Local/Non-Local Proof.
  9. PH/NCC/CAP/Sports and Games Certificate (If Applicable).

Click here for OUCET/PGCET Counselling Dates 2016

Click here for OUCET Web Options 2016