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Tuesday, June 21, 2016

New Job Charts of MEOs and CRPs by TSSA in Telangana

Rc 570 Dt 21.06.2016 Job Charts of Mandal Educational Officers Cluster Resource Persons Job Chart by SSA Telangana New Job charts of MEOs and CRPs in Telangana School Education Department Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan DSE Telangana Communication of Job Charts of Mandal Educational Officer / Deputy Inspector of School / Cluster Resources Person – Reg.

Academic Functions

  1.  To draw a programme of Annual Academic Supervision and submit to District Educational Officer for approval by 30th April preceding the year to which it relates for the qualitative improvement of elementary education.                      
  2.  Atleast 5 Primary Schools should be covered by one Inspection, one follow up visit. Surprise visits to atleast 10 Primary Schools / Upper Primary Schools to be made monthly.
  3.  Monthly submission of inspection and visit reports to Deputy Educational Officers by 5th of every month.
  4.  At least two Adult Literacy Centres and Continuing Education Centres should be visited in every month.



  1.     Sponsoring proposals for opening of new primary Schools in School-less habitations to District Educational Officer.
  2.     Sponsoring proposals for upgradation of primary Schools into Upper Primary Schools to District Educational Officer.
  3.     Rationalization of Schools by amalgamating uneconomic Schools as per guidelines issued by Department.
  4.     Sponsoring proposals for temporary recognition and permanent recognition of Primary School /Upper Primary Schools.
  5.      Scrutinizing applications for recognition and grant-in-aid in respect of Non-Government Schools and request for adhoc grant.


  1.   To assist School Complex Head Master & Asst. Secretary in conducting School Complex meetings.
  2. Maintenance of school complex records
  3. Collection of data from cluster schools and consolidation
  4. Conducting survey on school age children and updating the data
  5. Collecting the data of in school and out of school children school wise, class wise, gender wise and community wise.
  6. Collecting and maintenance of the data of teacher posts sanctioned school complex wise, school wise -  number of  teachers functioning and the posts fallen vacant.
  7. Collection and maintenance of the data on the access to primary and Upper Primary Schooling with in 1km and 3kms in the habitation.
  8. Collection of data on the availability of transport facility to the habitations.
  9. Collection and maintenance of data pertaining to KGBVs, MCSs, neighbourhood schools, RSTCs, NRSTCs, School complexes.
  10. Visiting all schools in the concerned school complex jurisdiction atleast twice in a month.
  11. Observing the records pertaining to the utilization of school grants, maintaining of  records etc.
  12. Visiting KGBVs, RSTCs, NRSTCs, EGS centres and providing appropriate guidance/ suggestions.
  13. Attending the School Management Committee meetings, encouraging to exhibit the performance of the children in the meetings.
  14. Observing the computer education implementation in the cluster schools.
  15. Organizing various melas, competitions for the children at School/ School Complex level.
  16. Monitoring the implementation of mid day meal programme effectively.
  17. Monitoring the distribution of incentives to students such as text books, uniforms etc
  18. To attend to school / classes in the place of teacher went on leave in the schools under school complex area
  19. Any other work assigned by the Higher Authorities.
  20. Click here to Download Rc 570 New Job Chart for MEOS and CRPs in Telangana