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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

GO MS No 37 Implementation of Yoga Classes in All Schools of Andhra Pradesh

GO MS No 37 Implementation of Yoga Classes in All Schools of Andhra Pradesh School Education Department– Implementation of Yoga or Meditation in all the schools and Junior Colleges in the State of Andhra Pradesh from classes VI to XII from the academic year 2016-17 – Orders – Issued. 

GO MS No 37 Implementation of Yoga Classes in all Category of Schools-ORDER:

  1.  In pursuance of the decision of Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs, Ministry of Human Resource Development (GoI) has transferred four components of the “Scheme on Quality Improvement in Schools” to National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). “Introduction of Yoga in Schools” is one of the components to be implemented by NCERT. Yoga has been an integral part of the subject “Health and Physical Education”, which is a compulsory subject up to the secondary school stage. 
  2. The prime outline of the stipulations made in the National Curriculum Framework - 2005 and the Position Paper on Health and Physical Education emphasizes “Participation of all children in free play, informal and formal games, Yoga and sports activities for their physical and psycho-social development”. 
  3. Government have also observed that Yoga or Meditation is essentially a discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is physical activity for healthy living. 
  4. Government, after careful examination of the matter, hereby orders for implementation of Yoga or Meditation in all schools and Junior Colleges from classes VI to XII from the academic year 2016-17 as a part and parcel of Physical Literacy in the State of Andhra Pradesh by involving reputed Yoga Organizations in the country, especially ISHA Foundation as a coordinator of the Programme. 
  5. The Commissioner of School Education, the Commissioner of Intermediate Education and all the participant Departments shall take necessary further action 
  6. Click here to Download GO MS No 37 Dt 06.06.2016