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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Bharat Petrolium Corporation Limited BPCL Recruitment Notification 2016

BPCL Bharat Petrolium Corporation Limited Recruitment Notification 2016 for 63 POsts BPCL, a Fortune 500 Company and a leading Navaratna Public Sector Enterprise with an all India presence, engaged in Exploration of Oil & Gas, Refining, Marketing and Distribution of Petroleum products invites applications from young, energetic and bright Indian male candidates meeting the following eligibility criteria and other parameters for the anticipated posts mentioned below in Kochi Refinery SBU.


Anticipated Posts
Qualification & Experience
6 Posts
M.Sc. (Chemistry) preferably in Analytical Chemistry in First Class with 60% marks (Full Time course) from a recognized Indian University/Institute.
-           Final Year Post Graduate students and those awaiting results are NOT eligible to apply.
-           Candidates having Post Graduation degree in any other discipline and any qualification equivalent to M.Sc (Chemistry) are NOT eligible for consideration.-


15 Posts
First Class Diploma in Chemical Engineering/ Technology (Full time course) with 60% marks from a recognized Indian University/ Institute.
Experience (Desirable) - One year post qualification experience in a Refining/ Petroleum/ Power/ Chemical/ Lube/ Petrochemical/ Fertilizer Industry OR One year apprenticeship training under the Apprentices Act in a Refining/ Petroleum/ Power/ Chemical/ Lube/ Petrochemical/ Fertilizer Industry.


35 Posts
First Class Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Full time course) with 60% marks from a recognized Indian University/ Institute.


13 Posts
First Class Diploma in Electrical / Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Full time course) with 60% marks from a recognized Indian University/Institute.
-           Final Year Diploma students and those awaiting results are NOT eligible to apply.
-           For the post of General Workman-B (Trainee)-Chemical, candidates having Diploma in Engineering in any other discipline viz., Petrochemical, Chemical (Fertilizer), Chemical (Plastic & Polymer), Refinery & Petrochemical, Chemical (Pulp & Paper), Chemical (Rubber & Plastic), Chemical (Oil Tech), Chemical (Polymer Tech) etc., and any other Diploma in Engineering equivalent to Diploma in Chemical Engineering/Technology are NOT eligible for consideration.
-           For the post of General Workman-B (Trainee)-Mechanical, candidates having Diploma in Engineering in any other discipline viz., Mechanical (Production), Mechanical (Tool & Die Engg.), Mechanical (Medical Lab), Mechanical (Maintenance), Mechanical (Automobile), Mechanical (Foundry Tech), etc., and any other Diploma in Engineering equivalent to Diploma in Mechanical Engineering are NOT eligible for consideration.
-           For the post of General Workman-B (Trainee)-Electrical, candidates having Diploma in Engineering in any other discipline and any qualification equivalent to Diploma in Electrical / Electrical & Electronics Engineering are NOT eligible for consideration.
-           Candidates with higher qualification (viz., Degree in Engineering, AMIE etc.) are NOT eligible for consideration.

(with age relaxation) as on 01.06.2016
Minimum 18 years and maximum 30 years as on 01.06.2016 for General candidates, upper age relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates against the reserved positions.
PWDs with degree of disability 40% or above: Upper age relaxable by 10 years (15 years for SC/ST’s and 13 years for OBC candidates).
Candidates domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir between 01.01.1980 and 31.12.1989: Upper age relaxable by  5 years.
Age relaxation for Ex-serviceman would be applicable as per Govt. guidelines.

Chemist Trainee
General Workman-B (Trainee)
Scale of Pay
` 13500-31000
` 11500-20000
Other Benefits
In addition to basic pay, candidates selected will be entitled for DA, HRA, PF, Gratuity and other benefits as per Corporation rules.

Chemist Trainee
General Workman-B (Trainee)
No. of Posts
3 UR, 2 OBC, 1 SC
39 UR, 17 OBC, 6 SC, 1 ST
1 post is reserved for Hearing Handicapped and 1 post is reserved for Orthopedically Handicapped candidates in General Workman-B (Trainee) position meeting the minimum eligibility criteria.

First class with 60% marks in Post Graduation for Chemist Trainee position is relaxed to 50% marks for SC candidates and First class with 60% marks in Engineering Diploma for General Workman-B (Trainee) positions is relaxed to 50% marks for SC/ST/HH/OH candidates.


STAGE 1 – Written Test
a.        Eligible candidates will be called for written test in the ratio prorated to number of vacancies as decided by the Management, which would be contingent on the number of applications received.
b.         The written test will assess the candidates on their technical acumen and generic aptitude including quantitative aptitude, reasoning abilities, general awareness and basic English language skills. For qualifying in the written test, overall cut-off marks would be 60% for General/OBC candidates & 50% for SC/ST/PWD candidates,  wherever relaxation is applicable and sectional cut-off marks would be 50% for General/OBC candidates and 40% for SC/ST/PWD candidates, wherever reservation is applicable. Candidates should meet both the overall and sectional cut-off marks of written test to be eligible to be considered for Stage 2. However, the Corporation reserves the right to define the cut-off marks for written test.
c.          Written Test will be conducted at Kochi.
d.         No request for change in date of test, test centre etc., will be entertained for any reason whatsoever.

STAGE 2 Skill/Proficiency Test & Verification of documents and certificates

Candidates qualifying in the written test as per the cut-off marks as decided by the Corporation will be called for Skill/Proficiency Tests which will be of `qualifying nature’ only. Only candidates qualifying in these tests would be reckoned for empanelment. Selected candidates should meet all the notified eligibility conditions and final selection will be subject to the selected candidates clearing document/certificate verification.

STAGE 3 – Pre-Employment Medical Test

Final selection/appointment will be subject to the selected candidates meeting Medical Fitness norms & standards as per BPCL Pre-employment medical examination. The candidature of candidates will be provisional till appointment.
Medical Standards:

Candidates provisionally selected by BPCL will have to undergo a pre-employment medical examination before joining. The health of each candidate will be assessed by the Corporation’s authorized Medical Officers / nominated hospitals and the appointment will be subject to meeting the medical standards prescribed by the Corporation.
·                     Myopia & Hypermetropia (vision), if any, should be within permissible limits.
·                     Colour blindness or squint, partial or full, is not acceptable in any case.
·                     Night blindness and Glaucoma is also not acceptable.
·                     Noise induced hearing loss and bilateral hearing loss shall be considered as disqualification.
·                     Any other major medical ailment will debar a candidate from being eligible for the job.

Candidates selected under PWD category, except the handicap for which relaxation is acceptable, must be within the stipulated normal range of all other physical standards.
The mentioned medical standards are only indicative and not exhaustive.
The decision on medical fitness by the Corporation’s Authorized Medical Officers / nominated hospitals would be final and binding on all candidates.  No correspondence or queries in this regard shall be entertained by BPCL.
Details can be accessed through the following website (please refer Section 10 of OISD Standard 166).


  1.            Reservations / Relaxations / Concessions for SC / ST / OBC / PWD / Ex-servicemen will be as per applicable Presidential directives/Government guidelines on the subject issued from time to time.
  2.                For claiming reservation/relaxation benefit of OBC (NON-CREAMY LAYER) category, the candidate should submit a latest  caste  certificate  dated  on  or  after  01.06.2016  from  the  Tahsildar  or  other  competent  authority  in the
  3. proforma prescribed by the Govt. of India, which would, among others, specifically mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the schedule to the Dept. of Personnel & training in the Govt. of India OM No.36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 8.9.1993. Candidates belonging to OBC category but falling in creamy layer are not entitled to OBC reservation/relaxation benefits. Accordingly such candidates may choose to apply for the positions provided they meet the age criteria applicable to general candidates and indicate their category as “UR”. BPCL being a Central Public Sector Undertaking, only those communities that are mentioned in the common list of OBC approved by central government shall be treated as OBC for the purpose of reservation.
  4.             Candidate seeking reservation/relaxation as applicable SC / ST / OBC (NON-CREAMY LAYER), should have the caste certificate, in the prescribed format meant for appointment to posts under the Govt. of India from the designated competent authority indicating clearly the caste, the Act/Order under which the caste is recognized as SC / ST / OBC (NON-CREAMY LAYER) and the Village / Town the candidate is ordinarily resident of. SC/ST/OBC candidates applying against un-reserved posts shall be considered against general standards and no relaxation in age, qualification, cut-off marks etc., shall be extended to them.
  5.              Persons with disabilities can also apply for the above posts in accordance with provision of para 25 of DOP & T OM No.36035/3/2004 – Estt. (Res) dated 29/12/2005. Persons with disabilities (PWD) are persons with permanent disability of 40% and above. PWD candidates are required to submit a certificate issued by a medical board (with minimum three members in the panel) constituted by central/state government failing which their candidature as PWD candidates will not be considered.
  6.             Domiciles of Kerala State will be given preference.
  7.          Everything else being equal, preference will be given to erstwhile Kochi Refinery Project Evictees.
  8.            The job involves working in rotating shifts.
  9.              Only male candidates need to apply.
  10.              Candidates with higher qualification (viz. AMIE, Degree in Engineering etc.) NEED NOT apply. Suppression of information regarding possession of higher qualification shall render a candidate ineligible for consideration at any stage of selection and termination at any time during employment, if recruited. If any candidate acquires higher professional qualification or such equivalent/similar qualification after making application but before the appointment process is over, his candidature will not be considered.
  11.               Candidates who have obtained their qualification through the distance learning / part time mode are NOT eligible  to apply.
  12.              Corporation reserves the right to fill OR to partly fill OR not to fill all or any of the above positions without assigning any reason whatsoever.
  13.                 The candidature of the applicant shall be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of antecedents/certificates/testimonials. In case it is found / known at any stage of selection/recruitment process or thereafter that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and / or that he has furnished any incorrect / false information / certificate / documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his candidature will stand cancelled.   If any of the information or material particulars as furnished by the candidate to the Corporation are found to be untrue or incorrect at any stage before or after his selection, then the same shall amount to misrepresentation/ fraud and his services shall be liable to be terminated unilaterally by the Corporation, at any time.
  14.                 The decision of the Corporation will be final and binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, mode of selection and cancellation of the selection process either in part or full etc. Filling up of the posts is solely at the discretion of the Corporation based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for selection. Corporation reserves the right to call only those candidates for various stages of  selection  process  who  in  its  opinion  are  likely  to  be  suitable. Corporation  may  at  its  discretion,  alter  the
  15. minimum eligibility standard/criteria/cut-off marks to restrict the number of candidates or to make available sufficient number of candidates to be called for written test or for subsequent stages. No enquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
  16.              Corporation reserves the right to change / modify / cancel the selection / recruitment process at it’s sole discretion without assigning any reason.
  17.               Posting shall initially be at Kochi and the services are transferable anywhere in India as required by the  CZrporation.
  18.                Any resultant dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Court situated at Kochi.


  1. Candidates are advised to read the full advertisement for details of educational qualification and other eligibility criteria before submission of application.
  2. All shortlisted eligible candidates for written test will be informed through email and the candidates will have to download the admit card from website.
  3.   SC / ST / PWD candidates attending the written test & skill/proficiency test are eligible for to and fro Sleeper Class train fare / Non-AC bus fare for the self, by the shortest route, from the nearest available bus/railway station from the mailing address of the candidate as mentioned in the application form on submission of original tickets, provided the distance is not less than 30 kms from the venue of Stage 1 or Stage 2 tests, as per rules.
  4. Candidates will have to make their own arrangement for lodging and boarding for appearing in tests at every stage of selection process.
  5. Applicants from Government or Semi-Government Organizations / Public Sector Undertakings MUST submit No- Objection Certificate from Employer at the time of Skill/Proficiency Test and ‘Relieving Order’ from the employer at the time of joining.  In case the candidate fails to do so, his candidature will not be considered.
  6. For any general queries pertaining to this recruitment advertisement, please email to Correspondence/Communication in any other manner will not be entertained. Candidates are advised to mention their application number in the subject of the mail while corresponding on any information/query related to this recruitment notification and related details. Candidates are also advised to mention their correct e-mail ids and contact  no./mobile  number  (10  digits)  and  keep  checking  their  e-mail  messages.  Corporation  shall  not      be responsible for any delay or non-delivery of messages in the email ID, either on account of incorrect entry in the online application or network issues.
  7. Candidates are advised to regularly visit our website>Careers for updates about the recruitment process or for any communication on dates/corrigendum/addendum/other modalities.
  8. Mere selection in Written Test or Skill/Proficiency Tests or Medical Fitness Tests or empanelment after the  selection process shall not confer any right of appointment to the applicants.
  9.  No change of category (like SC/ST/OBC/PWD/ESM) or any other information will be allowed at any stage after submitting online application. If any information is found incorrect / erroneous at any stage of recruitment  process, the candidature of the candidate can be rejected.
  10. Candidates of all categories including ex-servicemen who will be offered appointment against this advertisement, need to join within 30 days of offer. Corporation shall have the full discretion to reject the candidature of any candidate who does not join within the prescribed period.
  11. The tentative date of the written test will be during third/fourth week of July, 2016.


  1. Eligible candidates may apply online from 18th June, 2016 (10.00 hrs) onwards to 4th July, 2016 (17.00 hrs) through the link available on>Careers.
  2. Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he fulfills the eligibility and other norms mentioned in the advertisement. The candidate should read the detailed notification thoroughly and fill the on-line application carefully.
  3. There is no application fee. All applicants should have a valid/active email ID which should be kept active till this recruitment process is over. Candidates are advised to keep the details and password of their e-mail ID fully confidential and do not disclose the same to any other person. Corporation shall not be responsible for any consequences arising out of candidates disclosing their email-ID related details to any other person.
  4. Wherever CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade in Post Graduation/Diploma is awarded, equivalent percentage marks should be provided in the on-line application as per norms adopted by the University / Institute.
  5. Candidates would also be required to upload a passport size photograph of not more than 50 kb of file size while filling the application form and therefore before applying online, candidates are advised to keep the soft copy of the photograph ready in the system for uploading the same when required in the application form.
  6. Candidates who submit more than one application will be disqualified. No change in option will  be  entertained for any reason whatsoever.
  7. The candidate may cross-check the information furnished in the application form before finally submitting the same as no correction would be possible later. Mere fulfilling of the minimum qualifications and experience  will not vest any right on candidates for being called for written test.
  8. Upon submission of the application form, application number shall be generated and ‘PDF’ copy of the application form shall be sent to the registered email-ID of the candidates. Candidates are required to take a printout of the application form and retain the same after affixing a recent passport size photograph (same as uploaded in the Online application) and self-attest the same. Those candidates who qualify in the written test and shortlisted for skill/proficiency test should submit the printout of application form at the time of skill/proficiency test.
  9. Applications sent manually by any mode including post/courier or in person will not be accepted.
  10. Incomplete online applications and applications not fulfilling the eligibility criteria would be ‘Rejected’
  11. It is advisable to access the online application form from the place having a reasonably fair network connectivity so that application process is smooth.
  12. Applications submitted after 4th July, 2016 (17.00 hrs) will not be considered.

List of Documents

  1. Candidates are required to submit the self-attested copies of the following documents at the time of appearing for the written test along with the ADMIT CARD (duly filled and photo affixed – photograph should be same as uploaded in the online application form). NO OTHER CERTIFICATES IS TO BE ATTACHED.
  2. Post-Graduation Degree certificate (for Chemist Trainee post) / Diploma in Engineering certificate {for General Workman-B (Trainee) post}.
  3. Caste certificate of SC/ST/OBC in the prescribed Govt. of India format, if applicable.
  4. Disability Certificate in respect of PWD candidates from the Competent Authority.
  5. Candidates who qualify in the written test and shortlisted for Skill/Proficiency test, would be required to submit originals and self-attested copies of the following documents along with the originals of the above mentioned documents.
  6. Birth Certificate issued by Local Administration.
  7.  SSLC/SSC/Matriculation pass certificate along with marksheet.
  8. HSC/12th pass certificate alongwith marksheet.
  9. B.Sc. Degree Certificate, if applicable.
  10. Consolidated Mark List / Mark List of all semesters/years of the M.Sc. Degree course/Engineering Diploma course.
  11.   Certificate of additional qualification, if any.
  12. Experience Certificate, if applicable.
  13.  No Objection Certificate from present employer, if applicable.
  14. Click here to Download BPCL Recruitment Notification