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Friday, June 3, 2016


 ACHARYA N.G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY|AGRICET 2016 Notification|ENTRANCE TEST FOR AGRICULTURE / SEED TECHNOLOGY POLYTECHNIC PASSED CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION INTO B. Sc. (Ag.) Degree Programme  for the Academic Year 2016-17|Agriculture and Seed Technology obtained from ANGRAU / PJTSAU for admission into four years B.Sc. (Ag.) Degree Programme through AGRICET 2016 for the academic year 2016 -17.
ACHARYA N.G. RANGA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY|AGRICET 2016 Notification|ENTRANCE TEST FOR AGRICULTURE / SEED TECHNOLOGY POLYTECHNIC PASSED CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION INTO B. Sc. (Ag.) Degree Programme for the Academic Year 2016-17|Agriculture and Seed Technology obtained from ANGRAU / PJTSAU for admission into four years B.Sc. (Ag.) Degree Programme through AGRICET 2016 for the academic year 2016 -17./2016/06/acharya-ng-ranga-agricultural-university-agricet-2016-notification.html

Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University invites applications from Diploma holders in Agriculture and Seed Technology obtained from ANGRAU / PJTSAU for admission into four years B.Sc. (Ag.) Degree Programme through AGRICET 2016 for the academic year 2016 -17.
I.  Particulars of AGRICET – 2016
v  The test is on 17.07.2016 between 10.00 AM and 11.30 AM
v  The Entrance test is 1.30 hour duration and the question paper consist of a total 120 questions.
v  All questions are objective type (multiple choice) only and each question carries one mark. The candidates shall have to answer in OMR Sheet.
v  The syllabus prescribed by the ANGRAU to Diploma courses in Agriculture and Seed Technology.

II.   Eligibility: i. Candidates should have passed two year Diploma in Agriculture / Seed Technology from ANGRAU / PJTSAU.
(Those who are going to complete the diploma requirements in 2015-16 academic year can also apply).
ii. Candidates should have completed 17 years of age as on 31st  December of the  year of admission
with an upper age limit of 22 years for all the candidates and 25 years in respect of S.C,
S.T and 27 years in respect of PH candidates.
III.   Total number of B.Sc (Ag.) seats (supernumerary) allotted to Diploma holders:
112 (101 for Agriculture Diploma holders and 11 for Seed Technology Diploma holders)

IV.  Reservationi) As per rules of Government of Andhra Pradesh.
ii) The above seats will be allocated in the ratio of 85 % for local candidates and remaining 15% seats will be treated as unreserved quota.
V.   Medium of Entrance test: The question paper contains questions in Telugu medium.

I.        Centers for Entrance test:

Name of the Examination Center
S.V.Agricultural College Tirupathi
For S.V. University Region Candidates

Agricultural College Bapatla, College of Agricultural Engineering Bapatla & College of Food Science and Technology, Bapatla
For Andhra and Nagarjuna University Region Candidates.

II.        Submission of Application for AGRICET-2016:
v  The candidates may apply for admission in prescribed Proforma along with a Demand Draft for Rs. 500/- ( Rupees five hundred only) for General Candidates and Rs. 250/ - ( Rupees two hundred and fifty only) in case of SC , ST & PH candidates drawn  in  favour  of  Comptroller, ANGRAU, payable at Hyderabad.
v  Application form can be downloaded from the University website:

v  Application, complete in all respects along with 2 self addressed envelopes affixed with Rs. 5/- postal stamp must reach by 5:00 PM on or before 25.6.2016, either in person or by post to Convenor, AGRICET 2016, Office of the Dean of Agriculture (Flat No. 501), Administrative Camp Office, Vijaya Durga Towers, M.G. Inner Ring Road, Guntur- 522509.

II.           Submission of Applications with Late Fee:

v  The candidates may also submit their Applications with a late fee of Rs. 1000/- ( Rupees one thousand only) for General Candidates and Rs. 500/ - ( Rupees five hundred and fifty only) in case of SC , ST & PH candidates drawn in favour of Comptroller, ANGRAU, payable at Hyderabad from 26.06.2016 to 30.06.2016.

·  The list of eligible candidates along with the hall ticket numbers will be displayed in the University website on 04.07.2016. Those candidates who have not received the hall tickets can however download the Hall Ticket from the University website and attend the Test.
·  Applications received after the last date will not be accepted. University will not be responsible for any postal delay.

Certificates / documents to be enclosed with the Application form.

1.      Diploma certificate / Course completion certificate.
2.      Date of Birth certificate
3.      Caste certificate in case of SC / ST / BC candidates issued by the Mandal Revenue Officer.
4.      Aadhar number.
5.      PH, NCC, Sports and Defense etc. Certificates issued by the concerned authorities.
6.      Study or Residence or relevant certificate for proof of local status (last 7 years)

The qualifying percentage of marks for the AGRICET-2016 is 25% of the maximum marks considered for ranking. However, for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe, no minimum qualifying mark is prescribed. But their admission will be limited to the extent of seats reserved for such  categories      (vide G.O.Ms.No.179, LEN & TE, Dated 16.06.1986).

V.      AGRICET – 2016 RESULTS

The merit list of the candidates will be displayed in the University website and the eligible candidates shall be informed about the counseling date by post or through the University website. For the preparation of merit list, in case of more than one student securing the same combined score obtained, the tie  shall  be  resolved to decide the relative    ranking by successively considering the following.
i.  The total marks secured in AGRICET-2016
ii.  The percentage of aggregate marks secured in the qualifying examination.
iii.  SSC Overall Grade Point.
iv.  If the tie still persists the date of birth of the concerned candidates, the older being given preference over the younger.

The counseling for admissions will be held at auditorium, RARS, LAM Guntur.

VI.                The OMR Answer Sheets of AGRICET-2016 will be preserved for one year from the date of  publication of results after which they shall be disposed off.


a)      The Convener, AGRICET-2016 reserves the right to reject the application of the candidate at any stage, if:
i)                    The Application form is incomplete.
ii)                  The Application form without proper Demand Drafts.
iii)                The candidate fails to satisfy the eligibility conditions.
iv)                Any false or incorrect information is furnished.
v)                  The Application form is submitted after the due date. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
b)      The Convener is not responsible for non-receipt of application by the notified date and time for any reason.