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Monday, May 23, 2016

TSPSC Ground Water Department Recruitment Notification

TSPSC Ground Water Department Recruitment Notification

TSPSC Ground Water Department Recruitment 2022 Online Apply Assistant Chemist/ Geophysicist/ Hydro geologist/ Hydrologist and Technical Assistant Posts Telangana State Public Service Commisssion :Hyderbad Notificatio No. 18/2022,17/2022  Assistant Hydrogeologist Posts in Ground Water Department ,TSPSC Assistant  Hydrogeologist     recruitment 2022 online application forms. TSPSC has published the Assistant Hydrogeologist recruitment notification and applications are invited online from qualified candidates through the proforma application to be made available on Commission's WEBSITE to the post of Assistant Hydrogeologist in ground water department in the state of  Telangana.Post details ,Educational Qualifications ,Age limit, Apply process are given here.

TSPSC Ground Water Department Recruitment 2022
TSPSC Ground Water Department Recruitment 2022 Online Apply Assistant Chemist/ Geophysicist/ Hydro geologist/ Hydrologist and Technical Assistant Posts
TSPSC Assistant Hydro geologists recruitment 2022 Online application form, Assistant Chemists recruitment 2022 Notification, Assistant Hydrologists Eligibility, Selection Process, Assistant Chemists recruitment 2022 Syllabus & Exam Pattern. TSPSC has published the Assistant Chemist/ Geophysicist/ Hydro geologist/ Hydrologist and Technical Assistant Posts recruitment notification and applications are invited Online from qualified candidates through the proforma Application to be made available on Commission’s website to the post of Assistant Chemist/ Geophysicist/ Hydro geologist/ Hydrologist and Technical Assistant Posts in Ground Water Department in the State of Telangana. Telangana Ground Water Department Jobs Notification

TSPSC Ground Water Department Recruitment 2022 Vacancies :
  1. Assistant Hydrometeorologist 01 Post
  2. Assistant Chemist : 04 Post
  3. Assistant Geophysicist : 06 Posts
  4. Assistant Hydro geologist : 16 Posts
  5. Assistant Hydrologist : 05 Posts
  6. Technical Assistant (Geo-physics) : 08 Posts
  7. Technical Assistant (Hydro-geology) : 07 Posts
  8. Technical Assistant (Hydrology) : 05 Posts
  9. Lab Assistant :01
  10. Junior Technical Assistant :04
Educational Qualifications: Candidates pleased to Download Post wise Educational qualification details Below Notification Links. 
 Applicants must possess the requisite qualifications as detailed below, specified in the relevant Service Rules, indented by the Department, as on the Date of Notification.

 Distance Education:- The Applicants who have obtained requisite Degrees through
Open Universities / Distance Education mode are required to have recognition by the
University Grants Commission / AICTE / Distance Education Bureau as the case may
be. Unless such Degrees have been recognised by the relevant Statutory Authority,
they will not be accepted for purpose of Educational Qualification vide its Public Notice
No. F.27-1/2012 (CPP-II), Dt. 27/06/2013. (A university established or incorporated by
or under a State act shall operate only within the territorial jurisdiction allotted to it
under its Act and in no case beyond the territory of the State of its location). The onus of proof of recognition by the relevant Statutory Authority that their Degrees /
Universities have been recognised rests with the candidate.
ii) Equivalent Qualification: At the time of verification of certificates, if it is noticed that
any applicant possessing other than prescribed qualification and claims it as equivalent
to the prescribed qualifications, then an Expert Committee will be constituted including
the Unit Officer by the Commission and the Commission will take a decision based on
the report of the Expert Committee.
AGE: The candidates should possess Minimum 18 years & Maximum 44 years. The age is reckoned as on 01/07/2022 (Rule-12(1)(a)(v) of State and Subordinate Service Rules). (As per G.O.Ms.No.42, G.A.(Ser.A) Department, Dt. 19/03/2022 the upper age limit is raised up to 10 years i.e., from 34 years to 44 years)
Minimum Age (18 years): An Applicant should not be born after 01/07/2004
Maximum Age (44 years): An applicant should not be born before 02/07/1978
The Upper Age limit will be relaxed as per Rules and will be calculated on the above lines.
Age Relaxations: The upper age limit prescribed above is however relaxable in the following cases:
i) Application Processing Fee:- Each applicant must pay Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two
Hundred Only) towards Online Application Processing Fee.
ii) Examination Fee:- The applicants have to pay Rs.80/- (Rupees Eighty Only) towards Examination Fee. However,
a) All unemployees are exempted from payment of examination fee, and
b) All Employees of any Government (Central / State / PSUs / Corporations / Other
Government Sector) have to pay the prescribed examination fee

Important Dates: 

  1. Submission of ONLINE application from : 06-12-2022
  2. Last date for submission of online applications :  27-12-2022
  3. Hall Tickets can be downloaded 07 days before commencement of Examination
  4. The Examination is likely to be held on ------------------
(i) The Applicant has to read the User Guide ( for Online
Submission of Applications and then proceed further.
Step I: Before applying, the Applicant has to visit the website ( and
fill the OTR application if not registered earlier to obtain TSPSC ID. The candidates are advised to upload all the required certificates (However, original certificates have to be produced for verification at the time of scrutiny before finalizing the selection list). While filling the OTR, the applicant has to ensure that there are no mistakes in it. The Commission will not be held responsible for the mistakes, if any, made by the applicants. If already registered in the OTR the applicant can directly access the application form. The applicant is instructed to fill his/her application form himself/herself with utmost care instead of delegating to others.
Step II:-a)In order to fill the application form, the Applicant has to visit the website
( and Click on the online Application Link provided on the
Website, then enter TSPSC ID and Date of Birth and login with OTP received to
proceed further.
b) Applicant has to verify the details fetched from OTR database pertaining to Name,
Date of Birth, requisite Educational Qualifications, Community, Gender, ExServicemen & Sports etc., displayed on the screen.
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Step IV:-After payment of fee, the PDF application will be generated which contains the particulars furnished by the applicant. The applicant must download a copy of his/her submitted form (PDF). The Reference ID Number in the PDF application form has to be quoted for future reference/correspondence.
1) Applicant shall note that, the details available in OTR database at the time of submitting the application will only be considered for the purpose of this notification. Hence, the candidate is advised to update / edit the details in OTR form before submitting online application form. The Time and Date of submission of the application will be printed on the application PDF form. Changes made by the applicant in OTR details after submission of application form will not be considered for the purpose of this Notification.
2) The Commission is not responsible for any discrepancy in Bio-data particulars submitted in the application form. The applicant is therefore advised to strictly follow the instructions and User guide in his/her own interest before submitting the application.
3) Applicant must compulsorily fill-up all relevant columns of the application form.The
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application form in terms of notification and it is validated by the software and it will be taken as final. For eg: If an applicant fails to update the OTR regarding his/her Sports status before applying, the applicant will not be considered for Sports vacancies.
Applicant should therefore be very careful, while entering the data and uploading /
submitting the application form online.
4) Incomplete / incorrect application form will be rejected. The information if any furnished by the applicant subsequently in any form will not be entertained by the Commission under any circumstances unless specifically called for. Applicant should be careful in filling-up the application form and submission. If any lapse is detected during the scrutiny/verification of certificates, the candidature will be rejected even though he/she comes through the final stage of recruitment process or even at a later stage.
5) Before uploading/submission of application form, the applicant should carefully ensure his/her eligibility for this examination. No relevant column of the application form should be left blank, otherwise application form will not be accepted.
6) The Commission will not make any corrections in the application form submitted by the applicant.
7) Applicant must click on Save & Pay Button after filling and preview of the application. Otherwise the application particulars will not be saved in the database.
8) Hand written/ Typed/ Photostat copies/ outside printed Application Form will not be
entertained. The Commission will not be held responsible for the applications submitted in any other mode.
9) For any Technical problems related to Online submission and downloading of HallTickets please contact 040-23542185 or 040-23542187 (Call Time: 10.30 A.M to 1.00 P.M & 1.30 P.M to 5.00 P.M on working days) or mail to

1. Current Affairs – Regional, National and International
2. International Relations and Events.
3. General Science; India’s achievements in Science and Technology
4. Environmental issues and Disaster Management
5. Economy of India and Telangana
6. Geography of India with a focus on Telangana
7. Indian Constitution and Polity with a focus on local self Government
8. Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana
9. Policies of Telangana State
10. History of Modern India with a focus on Indian National Movement
11. History of Telangana with special emphasis on Movement for Telangana Statehood
12. Logical Reasoning, Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation
13. Basic English
Unit-1 General Geology and Mineralogy
Origin, age and interior of earth, earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains, weathering, geological
work of rivers, wind, groundwater, glaciers, seas and oceans.
Definition of mineral, Classification of mineral into rock forming and ore forming minerals.
Physical and optical properties of minerals, silicate structures, olivine family, feldspars,
pyroxenes, amphiboles, micas, chlorides, garnets and quartz family.
Unit-2 Petrology, Structural Geology and Indian Geology
Definition of rock, rock cycle, igneous rocks-forms, textures, structures, origin, classification and
types. Sedimentary rocks- mode of formation, structures and textures, classification.
Metamorphic rocks- Types and agents of metamorphism, structure and textures of metamorphic
rocks – grades and zones of metamorphism.
Structural geology- strike and dip, folds, faults, joints and unconformities, recognition of folds in
the field and recognition of faults in the field
Indian geology-Standard Geological time scale, Principles of correlation, Physiographical subdivisions of India. Achaeans, cuddapahs, vindyans, gondwanas, Deccan traps, siwalliks and
recent formations.
Unit-3 Groundwater Geophysics
Gravity methods: principles, instruments-survey techniques, Magnetic methods: principles,
instruments, and survey techniques, Seismic method; principles, instruments, survey

Electrical methods: Wenner, Schlumberger, Lee, Dipole-Dipole configurations. Resistivity
profiling and instruments. Resistivity sounding, Interpretation techniques. Geoelectrical
parameters corresponding to hydrological zones, Application of resistivity in groundwater
Electromagnetic methods: principles, instruments, survey techniques. Induced polarisation
methods: principles, relationship between apparent chargeability and apparent resistivity.
EM sounding - profiling-dipole and VLF techniques. Bore hole geophysics: Well logging, basic
concepts of logging.
Unit-4 Hydrochemistry
The water molecule, isotopic composition of waters-physical and chemical properties of water,
geochemical processes, geochemical classification of waters, Mechanisms controlling the
groundwater chemistry.
Chemical dissolved constituents. Sampling of water from rivers, lakes, ponds, open wells, bore
wells. Standard laboratory techniques for the analysis. Bacteriological studies. Interpretation of
physical and chemical data of water, plotting on maps, Statistical techniques in presenting
hydrochemical data.
Unit-5 Environmental Hydrology
Ground water pollution- its sources and classification, Water sanitation- water borne diseases,
Groundwater quality problems that originate above and below water table. Utility of water, for
drinking, agriculture, industry and recreation. Standards of water- Indian, World Health
Control measures of groundwater contamination, prediction of contaminants migration and
travel times, problem of fluoride and arsenic. Defluorination-Nalgonda method, Activated
carbon method of treatment.
Global threat-EInino effect -Green House Effect-Ozone layer depletion and its impact on
hydrological environment-Global Warming- acid rain- its cause and impact on water
Unit-6 Surface Hydrology
Hydrologic Cycle, Precipitation, Infiltration, run-off, Evaporation & Evapotranspiration, Water
Balance Studies, Forecast of climatic Parameters.
The significance of water, Water resources of the earth. Global water budget. Formation of
surface water resources; streams, rivers, lakes, swamps, caves, seas and oceans.

Runoff, groundwater runoff, direct runoff, factors affecting runoff. Discharge and discharge
measurement, hydrographs: components of hydrograph, base flow separation methods. Unit
hydrograph to design flood computation and of inflow to major rivers.
Unit-7 Groundwater Hydrology
Groundwater in Hydrologic cycle, Occurrence of Groundwater: Aquifer, Aquiclude, Aquifuge and
Aquitard, Porosity, Effective porosity, Vertical distribution of Groundwater; Zone of aeration,
zone of saturation, Division of subsurface water. Specific retention, specific yield, Storage
coefficient. Water movement in saturated soils, Darcy's law. Permeability, Intrinsic permeability.
Hydraulic conductivity, Transmissivity, Determination of Hydraulic conductivity.
Groundwater fluctuations: Secular, Seasonal and Short-term fluctuations, Artificial Recharge of
Groundwater, salt water intrusion of coastal aquifers, Development of Groundwater in intrusion
Water wells: Dug wells, Bored wells, Driven wells, Jetted wells, Methods for drilling deep wells,
Well design, Well completion, Well development, pumping equipment, Protection of wells, Well
rehabilitation and Horizontal well.
Unit-8 Hydrologic Modeling
Concepts of modelling, Process of model development, types of Hydrological models: Physical
models and Mathematical models. Introduction to Continuous and Discrete models, Dynamic
and Static, Lumped parameter and Distributed parameter models, Block-Box model, Conceptual
model, Stochastic and Determi
Unit-9 Watershed Management
Watershed: Concept, Characteristics, Size, Shape, Physiography, Climate, Drainage, Land-use,
Hydrological parameters. Basic data collection, Integrated Study of Watershed Management.
Conditions to develop watershed, types of Watersheds, Integrated studies to develop
watersheds. Rain water structures, design and Economic aspects. .
Floods: flood elevation, Flood discharge, flood volume and duration of floods, Flood estimation,
causes of flood, factors affecting flood flow, flood flow determination flood control methods,
limitations of flood control measures, Flood routing. Watershed and Agricultural Practices,
National projects, Appropriate Technology and action plans, Post-operative problems of
Unit-10 Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System
Electromagnetic Energy: Laws, Distribution and Interaction, concept of incoming short wave and
outgoing long wave radiation: passive and active remote sensing, electromagnetic radiation,
spectral reflectance curves. Imaging and non-imaging sensors, resolution. Satellite remote
sensing, geo-synchronous and sun-synchronous orbits, IRS-satellites and high resolution
satellites. Supervised and unsupervised image classifications. Remote sensing applications for
meteorological, hydrological, geological studies and urban planning and management.
Basic concepts of geographical information systems, map projections, geographic coordinate
system, transformations, map analysis. Data Acquisition and Data Management, Data
Processing, Data Modeling, GIS Analysis and Functions. GIS applications to Environmental and
natural resource management, software scenario, functions, standard GIS packages.

Scheme of Examination
Paper-I: General Studies and General Abilities
1. Current Affairs – Regional, National and International
2. International Relations and Events.
3. General Science; India’s achievements in Science and Technology
4. Environmental issues and Disaster Management
5. Economy of India and Telangana
6. Geography of India with a focus on Telangana
7. Indian Constitution and Polity with a focus on local self Government
8. Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana
9. Policies of Telangana State
10. History of Modern India with a focus on Indian National Movement
11. History of Telangana with special emphasis on Movement for Telangana Statehood
12. Logical Reasoning, Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation
13. Basic English
Paper-II: Chemistry (Degree Level)
1.1 Atomic structure: Schrodinger wave equation, significance of  and 
numbers and their significance, radial and angular probability, shapes of orbitals, relative
energies of atomic orbitals as a function of atomic number. Electronic configurations of
elements; Aufbau principle, Hund’s multiplicity rule, Pauli exclusion principle.
1.2 Chemical periodicity: Periodic classification of elements, salient characteristics of s,p,d
and f block elements. Periodic trends of atomic radii, ionic radii, ionization potential, electron
affinity and electro-negativity in the periodic table.
1.3 Chemical bonding: Types of bonding, overlap of atomic orbitals, sigma and pi-bonds,
hydrogen and metallic bonds. Shapes of molecules bond order, bond length, V.S.E.P.R. theory
and bond angles. The concept of hybridization and shapes of molecules and ions. Molecular
orbital theory, Molecular orbital energy diagrams of homo diatomic molecules
1.4 Oxidation states and oxidation number: Oxidation and reduction, oxidation numbers,
common redox reactions, ionic equations. Balancing of equations for oxidation and reduction
1.5 Acids and bases: Bronsted and Lewis theories of acids and bases. Hard and soft acids
and bases. HSAB theory.
1.6 Chemistry of elements:
i) Hydrogen: Its unique position in the periodic table, isotopes, ortho and para
hydrogen, industrial production, heavy water.
ii) Chemistry of ‘s’ and ‘p’ block elements: Electronic configuration, general
characteristics properties, inert pair effect, allotrophy and catenation. Special
emphasis on solutions of alkali and alkaline earth metals in liquid ammonia.
Preparation, properties and structures of boric acid, borates, boron nitrides,
borohydride (diborane), carboranes, oxides and oxyacids of nitrogen, phosphorous,
sulphur and chlorine; interhalogen compounds, polyhalide ions, pseudohalogens,
fluorocarbons and basic properties of halogens. Chemical reactivity of noble gases,
preparation, structure and bonding of noble gas compounds.
iii) Chemistry of ‘d’ block elements: Transition metals including lanthanides, general
characteristic properties, oxidation states, magnetic behaviour, colour. First row 

transition metals and general properties of their compounds (oxides, halides and
sulphides); lanthanide contraction.
1.7 Extraction of metals: Principles of extraction of metals iron, nickel, copper, silver and gold.
1.8 Nuclear Chemistry: Nuclear reactions; mass defect and binding energy, nuclear fission
and fusion. Nuclear reactors; radioisotopes and their applications.
1.9 Coordination compounds: Nomenclature, isomerism and theories of coordination
compounds and their role in nature and medicine.
1.10 Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies: Environmental Pollution &
control: Classification of pollution, causes, effects. Air Pollution: Primary and secondary
pollutants, Ambient air quality standards. Water pollution: Sources and types of pollution,
drinking water quality standards. Soil Pollution: Sources and types, Impacts of modern
agriculture, degradation of soil. Noise Pollution: Sources and Health hazards, standards,
Pollution from Power projects: Thermal and Nuclear, Solid waste: Municipal Solid Waste
management. Pollution control technologies: Wastewater Treatment methods: Primary,
secondary and Tertiary, Air: Overview of air pollution control technologies, Concepts of
bioremediation. Field visit. Global Environmental Problems And Global Efforts: Climate
change and impacts on human environment. Ozone depletion and Ozone depleting substances
(ODS). Deforestation and desertification.
1.11 Chemistry of Water
1. Sources of water & Quality: Sources of contamination of water, Chemical, Physical
and Biological characteristics of water, Drinking water standards, standards and effects
of contaminated water , water born diseases & problems.
2. General purification Methods of water: Sedimentation, Filtration, Coagulation, Distillation
& reverse osmosis and Disinfection, Types of Disinfection, ideal Disinfectant, Mechanism
of Disinfection, Efficiency of Disinfection, Chlorination, Types of Chlorination.
Coagulation: Types of Coagulation, Mechanism, Efficiency of Coagulation.
3. Water Softening Method: Heating, Lime-Soda Process, Caustic- Soda Process, Softening
with Calgon, Zeolite process, Ion-Exchange process. Municipal Water Conditioning and
Industrial effluent Treatment.
4. Qualitative & Quantitative analysis:
Qualitative analysis: Classification of anions and cations. Reactions involved in the
Separation and identification of anions and cations. Qualitative analysis of Organic
Quantitative analysis: Volumetric analysis and Gravimetric Analysis
a. Volumetric analysis: Theory of Volumetric analysis Types of reactions, Titration curves
w.r.t neutralization, redox, precipitation & Complexometric titrations. Theory of
b. Gravimetric Analysis: Theory of gravimetric analysis, Formation of precipitate,
conditions or precipitation, Impurities in precipitate. Washing, drying & ignition of
precipitates. Principles and applications of Chromatographic techniques, UV,IR and
2.1 Bonding and shapes of organic molecules: Electronegativity, electron displacementsinductive, mesomeric and hyperconjugative effects; bond polarity and bond polarizability, dipole
moments of organic molecules; hydrogen bond; effects of solvent and structure on dissociation
constants of acids and bases; bond formation, fission of covalent bonds; homolysis and
heterolysis; reaction intermediates-carbocations, carbanions, free radicals and carbenes;
generation geometry and stability; nucleophiles and electrophiles.
2.2 Chemistry of aliphatic compounds: Nomenclature; alkanes-synthesis, reactions (free
radical halogenation) – reactivity and selectivity, sulphonation-detergents; cycloalkanesBaeyers’ strain theory; alkanes and alkynes-synthesis, electrohilic addition; reactions,
Markownikov’s rule, peroxide effects, 1-3-dipolar addition; nucleophilic addition to electrondeficient alkenes; polymerization; relative acidity; synthesis and reactions of alkyl halides,
alkanols, alkanals, alkanones, alkanoic acids, esters, amides, nitriles, amines, acid anhydrides,
α,β - unsatuarated ketones, ethers and nitro compounds.
2.3 Stereochemistry of carbon compounds: Elements of symmetry, chiral and achiral
compounds. Fischer projection formulae; optical isomerism of lactic and tartaric acids,
enantiomerism and diastereo-isomerism; configuration (relative and absolute); conformations of
alkanes upto four carbons, cyclohexane and dimethylcyclo-hexanes their potential energy D,L
and R,S notations of compounds containing chiral centers; projection formulae-Fischer,
Newman and sawhorse of compounds containing two adjacent chiral centers; meso and dlisomers, erythro and threo isomers; racemization and resolution; examples of homotopic,
enantiotopic and diasteretopic atoms and groups in organic compounds, geometrical isomers; E
and Z notations. Stero-chemistry of SN1, SN2,E1 and E2 reactions.
2.4 Organometallic compounds: Preparation and synthetic uses of Grignard reagents, alkyl
lithium compounds
 Chemistry of aromatic compounds: Aromaticity; Huckel’s rule; electrophilic aromatic
substitution-nitration, sulphonation, halogenation (nuclear and side chain), Friedel-Crafts
alkylation and acylation, substituents effect; chemistry and reactivity of aromatic halides,
phenols, nitro, diazo, dia-zonium and sulphonic acid derivatives, benzyne reactions.
2.6 Chemistry of biomolecules: (i) Carobhydrates: Classification, reactions, structure of
glucose, D,L-configuration, osazone formation; fructose and sucrose; step-up step-down of
aldoses and ketoses; and their interconversion, (ii) Amino acids: Essential amino acids;
zwitterions, isoelectric point, polypeptides; proteins; methods of synthesis of -amino acids. (iii)
Elementary idea of oils, fats, soaps and detergents.
2.7 Beer’s Lambert Law and its applications in quantitative annalists Basic principles and
applications of UV, visible, IR and NMR spectroscopy of simple organic molecules.
3.1 Gaseous state: Deviation of real gases from the equation of state for an ideal gas, Vander
Waals and Viril equation of state, critical phenomena, principle of corresponding states,
equation for reduced state. Liquification of gases, distribution of molecular speed, collisions
between molecules in a gas; mean free path, specific heat of gases.
3.2 Thermodynamics:
(i) First Law and its applications: Thermodynamic systems, states and processes
work, heat and internal energy, zeroth law of thermodynamics, various types of work
done on a system in reversible and irreversible processes. Calorimetry and thermochemistry, enthalpy and enthalpy changes in various physical and chemical
processes, Joule-Thomson effect, inversion temperature. Heat capacities and
temperature dependence of enthalpy and energy changes.
(ii) Second Law and its applications: Spontaneity of a process, entropy and entropy
changes in various processes, free energy functions, criteria for equilibrium, relation
between equilibrium constant and thermodynamic quantities.
3.3 Phase rule and its applications: Equilibrium between liquid, solid and vapours of a pure
substance. Number of components, phases and degrees of freedom; phase rule and its
applications; simple systems with one (water) and two components (lead-silver). Distribution
law, its modifications, limitations and applications.
3.4 Solutions: Solubility and its temperature dependence, partially miscible liquids, upper and
lower critical solution temperatures, vapour pressures of liquids over their mixtures, Raoult’s and
Henry’s law, fractional and steam distillations.
3.5 Colligative Properties: Dilute solutions and colligative properties, determination of
molecular weights, using colligative properties.
3.6 Electro-chemistry: Ions in solutions, ionic equilibria, dissociation constants of acids and
bases, hydrolysis, pH and buffers, theory of indicators and acid-base titrations. Conductivity of
ionic solutions, its variation with concentration, Ostwald’s dilution law, Kohrausch law and its
application. Transport number and its determination. Faraday’s laws of electrolysis, galvanic
cells and measurements of their e.m.f., cell reactions, standard cell, standard reduction potential
Nernst equation, relation between thermodynamic quantities and cell e.m.f., fuel cells,
potentiometric titrations.
3.7 Chemical kinetics: Rate of chemical reaction and its dependence on concentrations of the
reactants, rate constant and order of reaction and their experimental determination; differential
and integral rate equations for first and second order reaction, half-life periods; temperature
dependence of rate constant and Arrhenius parameters; elementary ideas regarding collision
and transition state theory.
3.8 Photochemistry: Absorption of light, laws of photochemistry, quantum yield, the excited
state and its decay by radiative, non-radiative and chemical pathways; simple photochemical
3.9 Catalysis: Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis and their characteristics,
mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis; enzyme catalysed reactions (Michaelis-Menten
3.10 Colloids: The colloidal state, preparation and purification of colloids and their
characteristics properties; lyophilic and lyophobic colloids and coagulation; protection of
colloids; gels, emulsions, surfactants and micelles.

1. Current Affairs – Regional, National and International
2. International Relations and Events.
3. General Science; India’s achievements in Science and Technology
4. Environmental issues and Disaster Management
5. Economy of India and Telangana
6. Geography of India with a focus on Telangana
7. Indian Constitution and Polity with a focus on local self Government
8. Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana
9. Policies of Telangana State
10. History of Modern India with a focus on Indian National Movement
11. History of Telangana with special emphasis on Movement for Telangana Statehood
12. Logical Reasoning, Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation
13. Basic English
The Planet Earth: Origin of the Solar System and the Earth; composition of the Earth;
Volcanism and volcanic landforms; Interior of the Earth; Earthquakes; Isostasy; Basic elements
of Plate Tectonics
Geomorphology: Weathering and erosion; Soil formation; Transportation and deposition by
wind, ice, river, sea and resulting landforms. Seas - Offshore profile - continental shelfContinental slope.
Structural Geology: Concept of dip, strike, rake and plunge. Classification and origin of folds,
faults, joints, unconformities, recognition of faults in the field effects of faults on the outcrops,
recognition of unconformities in the field; Definition of overlap, offlap, outlier, inlier, cleavage,
schistosity; foliation and lineation.
Paleontology: Major steps in the evolution of life forms; Fossils, their mode of preservation and
utility in age determination and paleoenvironmental interpretations; Morphology, major
evolutionary trends and ages of important groups of animals – Brachiopoda, Mollusca, Trilobita,
Graptolitoidea, Anthozoa, Echinodermata; Gondwana plant fossils;
Stratigraphy: Definition of stratigraphy, principles of stratigraphy, standard geological time
scale. Physiographic divisions of India with their stratigraphic and structural characteristics.
Dharwar system, cuddapah system; Vindhyan system; Kurnool system and Gondwana System.
Deccan Traps and their Age, Geology of Andhra Pradesh.
Mineralogy: Definition of a mineral - Classification of minerals into rock forming and ore forming
minerals. Physical properties of minerals Modes of Mineral formation: Chemical properties of
minerals - isomorphism, solid solution, polymorphism, allotrophy, pseudomorphism, radioactivity; silicate structure. Mineralogy of common rock-forming minerals, Crystallography: 

Definition of crystal - amorphous and crystalline, States, Morphology of crystals - Parameters,
indices; crystallographic notation - parameter. System of weiss, index following classes of
symmetry. I. Cubic system - Normal (Galena) II. Tetragonal system - Zircon type III. Hexagonal
system - Beryl type IV. Trigonal system - Calcite type. V. Orthorhombic system - Barytes type.
VI. Monoclinic System - Gypsum type. VII. Triclinic system - Axinite type.
Petrology: Definition and classification of rocks; Igneous rocks – forms of igneous bodies;
Processes of evolution and diversification of magma; Classification, common structures and
textures of igneous rocks, association, and genesis of common igneous rocks. Sedimentary
rocks –Definitions of diagenetic lithification and cementation, stratification, Sedimentary
structures, Classification of sedimentary rocks: clastic - rudaceous, arenaceous, argillaceous,
non-clastic - calcareous, carbonaceous, ferruginous, phosphatic, evaporites. Descriptive study
of the following sedimentary rocks-Conglomerate, Breccia, sandstone, Grit, Arkose, Graywacke,
Shale, Limestone, shelly limestone. Metamorphic rocks – Definition of metamorphism, agents
of metamorphism, type of metamorphism, grade and zones of metamorphism, Structures of
metamorphic rocks - Cataclastic, maculose, schistose, granulose and gneissose. Textures of
metamorphic rocks, Classification of metamorphic rocks - concept of metamorphic facies,
Descriptive study of the common metamorphic rocks
Economic Geology: Physical properties of common economic minerals; ore minerals, gangue
minerals (gangue), ore, industrial minerals, tenor and grade; syngenetic deposits, epigenetic
deposits, General processes of formation of mineral deposits; Mode of occurrence and
distribution of metallic and non-metallic mineral deposits in India; gold, copper, lead, zinc,
aluminum, iron, manganese, chromium, uranium and thorium, with respect to their mineralogy,
uses. Major mineral resources of Andhra Pradesh. asbestos, baryte, bauxite, coal, limestone,
manganese, mica., oil and natural gas.
Algebra:Vector Spaces and Subspaces -Null Spaces, Column Spaces, and Linear
Transformations -Linearly Independent Sets; Basic concepts on Matrices (Definitions and
Notations - Operations on Matrices )- Determinant of a Square Matrix - Non Singular matrix and
Singular Matrix Rank of a Matrix, Inverse of a Square Matrix – Matrix Equation – Methods to
Solve Linear System of Equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors; Sets and their
representation; Union, intersection and complement of sets and their algebraic properties;
Power set; Relation, Types of relations, equivalence relations, functions;. one-one, into and onto
functions, composition of functions.
Calculus: Limits, continuity and differentiability. Differentiation of the sum, difference, product
and quotient of two functions. Differentiation of trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic,
exponential, composite and implicit functions; derivatives of order upto two. Maxima and minima
of functions of one variable, Integral as an anti – derivative. Fundamental integrals involving
algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. Integration by substitution, by
parts and by partial fractions. Properties of definite integrals. Evaluation of definite integrals,
determining areas of the regions bounded by simple curves in standard form.
Statistics: Measures of Central tendencies, measures of dispersions, Moments, skewness,
kurtosis, Probability definitions (classical and statistical) Addition, Multiplication and bayes
theorems, simple problems on probability, Correlation & Regression (simple & Multiple),
Principal component analysis, Cluster Analysis (Single, complete and average linkage methods,
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