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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Teleconference to MEOs and GHMs on 27.06.2016 Important Points

MEOs and GHMs Teleconference on 27.05.2016 Important Notes

  1. Village Education Register Should be Completed
  2. Free Text Books Should be distributed on 13.06.2016
  3. Badi Bata Scheduel (14.06.20160 ) will be released soon
  4. wide publicity should be done on School Programmes and Victories
  5. Interrest we get on School Grants should be utilised for Digital Class Room but not to white wash and colourings
  6. Schools and Teachers Rationalisation process will be start with in a week
  7. Healthy Competition should be in schools to become as Best Teacher and Best Schools
  8. 3Rs Programmes should be continue up to 31.07.2016
  9. Total Marks and Total Grading will be followed 
  10. Subject Teacher should complete Progress Report, Cumulative Record and Central Marks Register
  11. Teachers should write Annual Plans and Unit Plans
  12. Students Should write all Exams in a single note book only