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Thursday, May 5, 2016

SBI Probationary Officers POs Recruitment 2016

SBI PO Recruitment 2016 Notification:
State Bank of India released the SBI PO 2016 notification.Mumbai invited applications for recruitment to 2200 posts of Probationary Officers (PO). The applications are invited form eligible and interested candidates till 24 May 2016. Candidates can apply online by visiting  State Bank of India, Central Recruitment and Promotion Department, Corporate Centre, State Bank of India is one among the four big banks of India with its headquarters at Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is a multinational public sector banking and financial services company. SBI PO 2016 notification is one among the most awaited notification for the candidates willing to apply for the same. Every year lakhs of applications are received by SBI for PO Posts. This year the notification is released for 2200 Posts and willing candidates can apply for SBI PO 2016 by visiting

Before applying for SBI PO 2016 at, please go through the information below which would help you in resolving your queries.
SBI PO 2016 Important Dates:

  1. Closing Date of Online Application: 24 May 2016
  2. Last Date for Payment of Application Fees/ Intimation Charges: 24 May 2016
  3. Download Date of Call Letters for Online Preliminary Examination: 14 June 2016 onwards
  4. Online Preliminary Examination Date: 02 July 2016, 03 July 2016, 09 July 2016 and 10 July 2016
  5. Online Preliminary Examination Result Date: 18 July 2016
  6. Download Date of Online Main Examination: 21 July 2016 onwards
  7. Online Main Examination Date: 31 July 2016
  8. Online Main Examination Result Date: 16 August 2016
  9. Group Discussion and Interview Date: 01 September 2016
Eligibility Criteria for SBI PO 2016:
Graduation in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by the Central Government. Those who are in the Final Year/Semester of their Graduation may also apply provisionally subject to the condition that, if called for interview, they will have to produce proof of having passed the graduation examination on or before 31August 2016. Candidates having Integrated Dual Degree (IDD) certificate should ensure that the date of passing the IDD is on or before 31.08.2016. Candidates possessing qualification of Chartered Accountant may also apply.

The date of passing the eligibility examination will be the date of appearing on the mark sheet or provisional certificate issued by the university/ institution. In case the result is issued on the website, a certificate issued by the university/ institution indicating the result release date and the date of posting on website will be taken as the date of passing.
The percentage of the candidates obtained in Graduation must be given in the nearest two decimals while filling online application. In case where CGPA/ OPGA are awarded there the candidate should convert the same into percentage. At the time of interview the candidate would be required to produce a certificate issued by the appropriate authority inter alia stating that the norms of the University regarding conversion of grade into percentage and the percentage of marks scored by the candidate in terms of norms.

Age Limit for SBI PO 2016:
The age limit for candidates applying for State Bank of India (SBI), Probationary Officer (PO) Post is 21-30 years however; there are relaxations for special categories given in the points below.
SC/ ST- 05 years relaxation
OBC- 03 years relaxation
PWD: PWD (SC/ST)-15 Years relaxation, PWD (OBC)- 13 Years relaxation, PWD (Gen)- 10 Years relaxation.
Ex-Servicemen, Commissioned Officers including Emergency Commissioned Officers (ECOs)/ Short Service Commissioned Officers (SSCOs)- 05 years relaxation.
Persons ordinarily domiciled of the state of Jammu & Kashmir- 05 years relaxation.

SBI PO 2016 Examination Pattern and Syllabus:
The SBI PO Exam is conducted in two phases i.e., Phase I- Preliminary Examination and Phase II- Main Examination.
Phase I- Preliminary Examination: The examination is of one hour duration and is of objective type. The examination paper would include questions from English Language, Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning Ability. The exam would be of 100 marks.
Phase II- Main Examination: The examination is of three hour duration and is of objective type. The examination paper would include questions from Reasoning and Computer Aptitude, Data Analysis and Interpretation, General/ Economy/ Banking Awareness and English Language. The exam would be of 200 marks.
The eligible and interested candidates for SBI PO 2016 can apply to the post through the prescribed format along with required documents on or before 24 May 2016 by visiting

SBI PO 2016 Application Fees:
The application fee for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates is Rs. 100/- and that for General and OBC candidates is Rs. 600/-.

Click here to Download Complete Notification