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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Rc 655 Instrctions on Upgradation and Rationalisation of Schools in Telangana

Upgradation of Government and Local Bod y Schools in the State - submission of proposals - certain instructions Proceedings of the Director of School Education Telangana ,Hyderabad Rc.No.655/PS3-2/2016, Dt. 29-04-2016 DSE Telangana State School Education Dept Instructions on Upgradation and Rationalization of TS Schools Certain instruction issued  opening of classes in Upper Primary Schools in Telangana

The Regional Joint Director of School Education, Hyderabad and Warangal and all the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that Govt. have taken a decision for Rationalization o f the Govt. Schools in the State as there is a need to rationalize the Schools due to the fact that with reference to the prevailing norms certain schools are having meagre strength of pupils with more teachers.

They are informed that proposals for Upgradation of Government Schools are being received from them every year without proper scrutiny of the proposals as per rules laid in the references read above viz. Accommodation, Qualified Staff, Financial Implications, and other required conditions.

In view of the above , they are directed examine proposals for opening o f new Government and Local Body Schools, and upgradation for classes VIII, IX and X in existing Schools UPS from the academic year 2016 - 17 in the context of Rationalization of Schools before sending proposals to the Government.
Click here to Download Rc 655 Dt 29.04.2016 Instructions on Upgradation and Rationalisation of Schools in Telangana