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Friday, May 27, 2016

Rc 395 Relieving 2015 Transfered but not Relieved Teachers-Instructions

Rc 395 Dt 27.05.2016 School Education Dept Andhra Pradesh -Relieving the teachers who were transfersed during the Transfers counselling in 2015 and not relieved for want of substitute Further instructions-Issued

Key Instructions

  1. If need is established in the opted/ Transfered place, relieve the teacher on last working day i.e 23.04.2016
  2. If need is established in the opted / transfered place, but teachers is not willing to be relieved now and if they have not completed 8 years, cancel the transfer order. They may be allowed to apply for online transfer ensuring tranfer counselling
  3. If need is not established cancell the transfer order of teachers and allow them to apply for Online transfer in ensuring transfer counselling
  4. Click here to Download Rc 395 Dt 27.05.2016