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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Online Admissions 2016 into TTD Degree Colleges into Degree Courses

Online Admissions into TTD Degree Colleges into Degree Courses

TTD Degree Colleges invites applications for admission into Degree Courses.

Online Admissions into TTD Degree Colleges into Degree Courses /2016/05/online-admissions-2016-into-ttd-degree-colleges-into-degree-courses.html Location

TTD Degree Colleges:

1. Sri Venkateswara Arts College (SVAC) (Co-education)
2. Sri Padmavathi Women’s Degre And PG College (SPWDC) (Women only)
3. Sri Govindaraja Swamy Arts College (SGSAC) (Co-education)

Courses: B.A./ B.Com./ B.Sc.

Eligibility: Applicants for admission into the three year Degree Course should have passed the examination of Board of Intermediate Education of A.P or any other equivalent examination recognized by S.V. University or central Board.

Online submission of application: The candidate shall submit the application online duly filling the correct information in the boxes.
Online submission of application forms commencing from: 23.05.2016 to 06.06.2016.

Last date for submission of online application: 06.06.2016.

Last date of receipt of hardcopy of online application at S.V.Arts College, TTD, Tirupati i.e., on or before: 13.06.2016.

Admission Interview Phase-I counselling at SGS Arts College, TTD, Tirupati: 22.06.2016 to 24.06.2016.