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Friday, May 27, 2016

Celebration of Telangana Formation Day -Certain Instructions

Proc. Rc. No. Spl./A2/TSSA/RR/16                                                            Dated: 25.05.2016

Sub:     TSSA – Ranga Reddy District – Celebration of Telangana Formation Day on 02.06.2016 – Orders – Issued.

Ref:     1. Circular of the District Collector Ranga Reddy District – No. A4/3711/2015, dated 21.05.2016
            2. Proceedings of the Commissioner & Director of School Education vide Proc. Rc. No. 474/Plg1/2015, dt. 20.05.2016.
            3. G.O. Rt. No. 304, dated 17.05.2016


The Government of Telangana has decided to conduct Telangana formation day celebration 2016 on 02.06.2016 Telangana State in befitting manner from Village to District Level vide reference 3rd cited.

The Commissioner & Director of School Education Telangana State vide reference 2nd cited issued instructions and guidelines to celebrate Telangana formation day in the all the Schools in the State.

The District Collector Ranga Reddy District vide reference 1st cited issued a detailed guidelines to celebrate Telangana formation day in the district.

Therefore all the Mandal Educational Officers/ Head Masters of all schools / all Special Officers of KGBVs / care takers of URHs are hereby informed to conduct the following activities in the schools / hostels.

  1.       Decoration of Schools, MRCs and Hostels 
  2.      Hoisting of  National Flag on Telangana formation day in all Schools/MRCs/KGBVs/URH 
  3.      Distribution of Sweets and felicitation of 10th class passed students during the year 2015-16. 
  4.        Providing Special Non- Veg. Meals as per Telangana menu to be provided in consultation with Mid-Day Meals Agencies. 
  5.      Providing Special Non- Veg. Meals as per Telangana menu to be provided in KGBVs/ URHs.
  6. Conducting of seminars, debate and essay writing competitions on Bangaru Telangana. 
  7.     Sports competition to be conducted and prizes to be distributed.
  8. Click here to Download Instructions