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Thursday, May 5, 2016

APPSC Dept Test Notification May 2016 Session in AP

APPSC Dept Test Notification for May-2016 Session released in Andhra Pradesh Onlne Applications are invited for the Departmental Test May-2016 Session to be held from 09-06-2016 to 14.06.2016 . Primarly shall register One Time Registration from 05.05.2016 through the Andhra Pradesh Public Servvice Official Website

  1. GOT(88) PAPER-I ON 11/06/2016(SATURDAY)* AT 9.00 am to 11.00 am
  2. GOT(97) PAPER-II ON 11/06/2016(SATURDAY)* From 2.00pm to 4.00pm
  3. .EOT(141) 12/06/2016(SUNDAY)* From 2.00 pm to 4.00pm
The Online application submission date starts from 05.05.2016*. Once applicant registers 
his/her particulars, a User ID is generated and sent to his/her registered mobile number and 
email ID. Applicants need to apply for the Tests using the OTPR User ID through Commission’s 
website. The application will be available on Commission’s website* ( from 
11.05.2016.  The last date for submission of online application is 24.05.2016 upto 5PM and the payment of fees shall be accepted till 11:55 PM of 24.05.2016

FEE& payment Procedure 
The fee for each paper is Rs. 200/­* (Rupees two hundred Only). However, no fee is 
prescribed for the Tests in Gujarathi and Marwari Languages.
The applicant shall pay Rs. 500/­(Rupees Five Hundred Only) towards application processing fee for each Test besides the examination fee for each paper

Application will be rejected for the following reasons:‐
  1. Failure to upload the Photo/ Signature.
  2. Failure to pay fee towards the Test and application.
  3. If the scanned Service Certificate is not uploaded duly filled in and signed by the 
    applicant and the Controlling Officer with seal.
  4. If the filled in Application Form is not in terms of this notification.
  5. If the applicant is not eligible to appear for the Test in terms of Para (4) of the 
  6. If the candidate applies during debarment period.
Contact: For any Technical problems related to Online submission and downloading of Hall-Tickets please contact 040­ 29802633 (Call Time: 10.30 A.M to 1.00 P.M & 1.30 P.M 
to 5.00 P.M) or mail to