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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

AP POLYCET-2016 Certificate Verification and Web Counselling Schedule

Andhra Pradesh POLYCET-2016 Web Counselling Schedule Certificate verification for AP Polytechnic Admissions web Options AP Polycet 2016 web options, web counseling and Certificate Verification Schedule for Rank wise Release Web couselling will be done for Seat allotment for POLYCET-2016 in AP Candidates should attend the certificates verifcation and verification completed candidates can give the web options at and ts polycet seat allotment order download.

AP Polycet Counselling Schedule for Web Options

  1. Certificate Verification: 20-05-2016 to 28-05-2016.
  2. Web options: 23-05-2016 to 30-05-2016.
  3. Changing web options: 31-05-2016
  4. Seats allotment: 01-06-2016
  5. Reporting in Colleges: 08-06-2016
  6. Classses start from: 09-06-2016 

Required Certificates for AP POLYCET 2016

All original certificates and 2 sets of Xerox copies below list :

  1. AP POLYCET 2016 Rank Card,
  2. AP POLYCET 2016 Hall Ticket,
  3. S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo,
  4. IV to X Study Certificate,
  5. Residence Certificate,
  6. Residence Certificate of parents
  7. Income Certificate issued after 01.01.2016,
  8. Aadhar Card,
  9. Caste Certificate issued by competent authority,
  10. PH/CAP/NCC/Sports/Minority Certificate ( if applicable)  

Certificate Verification Dates Rank wise:

DateRange of rank in 
23/05/2016 1 to 15000
24/05/2016 15001 to 30000
25/05/2016  30001 to 45000
26/05/2016 45001 to 60000
27/05/2016 60001 to 75000
28/05/201675001 to 80000
29/05/2016 90001 to upto last rank

AP POLYCET 2016 Web Options ( Counselling ) Ranks : 

DatesRank from to
25th May to 26th May 2016From 1 to 30000
27th May to 28th May 2016From 30001 to 60000
29th May to 30th May 2016From 60001 to upto last rank

Fee Particulars
  1. Processing Fee: Rs.300/- (OC/BC), Rs.150/-(SC/ST).
  2. The Tuition Fee payable after allotment varies between Rs.3800/- to Rs.15500/- per annum depending on type of college allotted.
  3. The reimbursement of Tuition Fee in respect of all eligible candidates will be as per the orders issued by Governments of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh States from time to time.
  4. However, all the candidates have to pay Rs 600/- towards AP-SBTET recognition fee as prescribed. Seats available under Convenor Quota College wise will be made available on the website well before the commencement of Option Entry.