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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

AP Eamcet 2016 Preliminary Key Released

AP Eamcet 2016 Preliminary Key Released |Preliminary key of AP EAMCET 2015

AP Eamcet 2016 Preliminary Key Released |Preliminary key of AP EAMCET 2015/2016/05/ap-eamcet-2016-preliminary-key-released.html

Engineering,Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test (EAMCET) is conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada on behalf of APSCHE.This examination is the prerequisite for admission into various professional courses offered in University/Private colleges in the state of Andhra Pradesh,

Preliminary key for Engineering stream and Agriculture and Medical Stream of AP EAMCET - 2016 Entrance examination conducted on 29-04-2016.last date for receiving of  objections on Preliminary key on 04-05-2016-14.00 PM -Convener AP EAMCET 2016.

1. Engineering Stream-Preliminary key
2. Agriculture and Medical -Preliminary key.

The objections on the Preliminary key can be addressed in the following format and can be sent to:
\Email id
Fax No: 0884-2340545
Note: The objections submitted in the above format only will be considered

# AP EAMCET Official website