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Wednesday, April 20, 2016

TSTET-2016 Download Hall Tickets/Admit Cards

TSTET-2016 Teachers Eligibility Test Admit Cards at TS TET Hall Ticket 2016 Download from 20th April, 2016. In case any candidate could not download the Hallticket she/he should contact the Director, SCERT & Exofficio Director, SCERT, Hyderabad between 10.30 AM and 5.00 PM on all working days between 20.04.2016 and 30.04.2016 in person only giving details of the journal number of the fee paid, reference number of the application submitted, a copy of the printout of the Application form and one photograph Telagnana Teachers Eligibility Test Admit Cards for Paper-1 & Paper-2 examinations are available at All the candidates who applied for Telangana Teachers Eligibility Test can download their Hall Tickets from the website at from 20.04.2016. (same photograph as pasted on the application form). 

The candidates at the time of applying for TS-TET 2016 should be in possession of the minimum qualifications prescribed for a teacher for I to V classes (Paper-I) and VI to VIII classes (Paper-II) as given in Information Bulletin.
The candidates who are pursuing final year of any of the Teacher Education Courses recognized by the NCTE or the RCI, as the case may be, and / or the Language Pandit Training Courses can also appear for the First TS-TET 2016.
However , it is clarified that appearance or a pass in TS-TET by itself will not vest any right in a candidate to be considered for appointment to the post of Teacher in Government / Zilla Parishad / Mandal Parishad / Municipal and Private Aided Schools, unless he is in possession of the qualifications prescribed for appointment to such post in the relevant statutory recruitment rules framed by State Government from time to  time as on the date prescribed there in for possession of such qualifications.
Details of qualifications prescribed for TS-TET are provided in the Information Bulletin.