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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

TS Osmania University Common Entrance Tests (OUCET) 2016 Notification

TS Osmania University Common Entrance  Tests (OUCET) 2016 Notification| or

(Osmania University Common Entrance Tests-2016)
TS Osmania University Common Entrance Tests (OUCET) 2016 Notification| or

Online Applications are invited from the candidates who have passed or appearing for the final year examination in the qualifying degree for entrance tests and admission into   various
P.G. Courses, P.G. Diploma Courses and 5 yr. Integrated Programmes offered by Osmania, Telangana, Mahatma Gandhi and Palamuru universities in their campus, constituent and affiliated colleges for the academic year 2016-2017.
For further details, go through the Information  Brochure available in the websites, or
Registration Fee for a single subject is Rs.450/- for OC/BC candidates and Rs.350/- for SC/ST/PH candidates. For each additional subject, the fee is Rs.250/- for all categories. The fee may be paid at any TS/AP online centers or through payment gateway (Credit/Debit Cards)/Net Banking. For submission of online application, visit the above websites.
Important Dates: Submission of applications commences from 13.04.2016. The Last date for submission of applications is 07.05.2016. The same with a late fee of Rs. 500/- is  14.05.2016.

11.04.2016                                                           Prof. Ch. Gopal Reddy 
Hyderabad                                                                         DIRECTOR

The Time Table of Entrance Tests will be made available in websites, and
Note: The Hall Tickets along with instructions will be made available in websites, and, at least one week before the commencement of entrance tests. No personal intimation in this regard will be sent to the candidates.
Registration Fee:
The registration fee for a single subject is Rs.450/- for OC/BC candidates and Rs. 350/- for SC/ST/PH candidates. For each additional subject, the fee is Rs.250/- for all categories.
Payment of Registration Fee:
The registration fee may be paid at any TS/AP Online Centres or through payment gateway (Credit/Debit Cards/Net Banking).

1.           Before filling and submission of online application form, the candidates are advised to go through the relevant instructions and model Online Application form available in websites, or
2.          Candidates should note that the Hall Tickets, Results of Entrance Tests, Rank Cards, Schedules for exercising web based options and certificate verification and other related information will be made available only through websites given above and the candidates can download the same. No personal intimation in this regard will be sent to the candidates either by post or by mail.
3.           The candidates will have to appear for the entrance test and for certificate verification on their own expenses.
4.          Candidates should note that there will be a separate entrance test in Statistics for admission into M.Sc. Statistics and Applied Statistics courses.
5.          Syllabus for OUCET - 2016: The syllabus for OU Common Entrance Tests - 2016 will be made available in the websites, or
6.          The entrance tests in all the subjects, except that of M.P.Ed., will consist of 100 multiple choice objective type questions for 100 marks.  For M.P.Ed. Course, the entrance test will be of 75 multiple choice objective  type questions for 75 marks. The remaining 25 marks will be awarded by the Department of Physical Education, Osmania University for the Sports achievements of the candidates. A table showing the incentive marks for sports achievements at different levels and sports certificate attestation form to be filled and signed by the Concerned National Sports Federation / State Sports Federation / University Sports is given in Annexure-V.
7.          Pattern of Entrance Test for Admission to M.Sc. Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Environmental Science, Forensic Science, Genetics, Microbiology and Nutrition & Dietetics is as follows. Candidates have to appear for a  common entrance test, namely BCBTESFSGMN&D comprising of Part-A (Chemistry for 40 Marks) and Part-B (One of the optionals studied at B.Sc. level) for 60 Marks. The optionals are Physics,  Botany,  Zoology, Genetics, Microbiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology).
8.          Indulgence in any kind of malpractice (photo morphing, impersonation, copying, etc.) in entrance test will attract punishment under the criminal laws.
9.          Admissions are conducted through a process of web based counselling. Before allotment of admissions, the qualified candidates have to exercise options through web in the order of their preference.

10.       The eligibility of the candidates is not verified / decided at the time of application and during the entrance test. The verification will be done only during the admissions. Hence, candidates are advised to ensure that they are eligible for the course/subject they are applying for.

11.        NATIONAL INTEGRATION QUOTA (NIQ): 5% Supernumerary seats in each course in campus and constituent colleges of universities are available to the candidates belonging to the states other than Telangana and Andhra Pradesh under National Integration Quota.
12.      Not with standing anything contained in this information brochure, the rules and regulations that are in force in the University at the time of admissions shall be final and binding.


Subject Code
Name of the Subject
Ancient Indian History Culture and Archaeology (AIHCA)
Master of Communication and Journalism (M.C.J.)
Bachelor of Library and Information Science (B.L.I.Sc.) / M.L.I.Sc. (2 yrs. Integrated)
Islamic Studies
Master of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.Sc) 1 yr. Course
Master of Social Work (M.S.W)
Political Science
Public Administration
Theatre Arts


Subject Code
Name of the Subject
Computer Science
Biochemistry / Biotechnology Environmental Science / Forensic Science / Genetics
/Microbiology / Nutrition & Dietetics (BCBTESFSGMN&D)


The following are the general rules, regulations and instructions to the candidates appearing for the common entrance tests for admission into various courses offered by Osmania, Telangana, Mahatma Gandhi and Palamuru Universities in their campus, constituent and affiliated colleges.


To be eligible for admission into a course, the candidate
1.            must have passed the Qualifying Examination and secured the prescribed Minimum Marks in the subject(s)/course(s) concerned as mentioned in the Information Brochure, and
2.          must have qualified in OU Common Entrance Test conducted by the University in the concerned subject in which admission is sought. For administrative reasons, the University may, conduct the entrance test before  the publication of the results of the qualifying examination concerned.  But qualifying at the Entrance Test  alone does not confer any right of admission into a course. In addition to being qualified at the Common Entrance Test, a candidate will be eligible for admission only if he/she passes the qualifying examination before the commencement of admissions process and secure the prescribed minimum marks in the subject (s)
/ course(s) concerned. He/She must submit the necessary documents listed under item VII of these instructions at the time of counselling.
Note:  The memorandum of marks and Pass Certificates of the qualifying examination are not called for along with  the application form and the eligibility of the candidates is not verified / decided at the time of allowing the candidates to appear for the Entrance Test. Hence, even if candidates are qualified in the Entrance test, they shall not have any right for admission unless they fulfil the eligibility criteria as laid down in the rules. Candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfil the eligibility criteria for admission to the course he/she has applied, before appearing at the common Entrance Test.

Note: The candidates who have passed an examination other than B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. must ensure their eligibility / equivalence before appearing for the Entrance Test.

For registration, the candidates have to visit the websites or The registration is complete only when the candidates enter the required primary information including the number of entrance tests to be taken and the requisite registration fee is paid. The registration fee may be  paid at any T.S./A.P. online centres or by using Credit / Debit Cards or by Net Banking. Once the registration  is completed successfully, the candidate will receive a Registration ID, which should be preserved by the candidate for logging in to fill the online application and for future use, if any.


Before submission of online application, the candidates must keep ready the scanned copies of latest pass port size colour photograph, his / her signature, the certificate of caste (If applicable) and PH certificate (If applicable). These scanned copies have to be uploaded while filling up online application. The candidate has  to login to website, or using their registration ID, registered mobile number and date of birth to fill and submit the Online Application. Before submitting the online application, the candidate must view and verify the application to ensure that all the entries, including the uploaded photograph and the signature, are correct. The candidate must also take a printout of the application for future reference. The candidate will be held personally responsible for any incorrect / inconsistent entries in the online application form. The University reserves the right to cancel the admission at any stage if the particulars furnished by the candidate are found to be incorrect.
Note: The Directorate of Admissions, OU proposes to issue ID cards to all admitted candidates in University Colleges by incorporating relevant data, including the photograph, uploaded by the candidates themselves at the time of online submission of application. It is proposed that the same cards be used at colleges and hostels. Therefore, the candidates are advised to be careful while uploading the data, including photograph.


The Hall Tickets along with entrance schedules and necessary instructions will be made available in OU websites, or at least one week before the commencement of entrance tests. The candidates have to download the Hall Tickets and affix a latest passport size photograph (which is exactly similar to the one uploaded in the Online Application) in the space provided and get itself attested. Without the Hall Ticket (with self attested photograph), the candidate is not allowed to appear for entrance test.

I.                COMMON ENTRANCE TEST:

1.       Admissions to various courses are made on the basis of entrance test conducted for that purpose. The detailed Schedule of common entrance tests will be made available in websites, or at least one week before the commencement of entrance tests. The same will also be displayed on the notice board of the Directorate of Admissions, OU.
Note: It is proposed to take thumb impressions and photograph of the candidates at the time of entrance test through biometric system. This data in soft form will be used at the time of admission, while giving hostel admission and wherever necessary.
2.          The entrance tests in all the subjects will be of 90 minutes duration. Except in M.P.Ed. entrance test, the question paper  consists  of  100  objective (multiple  choice  only)  type  questions  for 100 marks.  For M.P.Ed., the entrance test will be of 75 multiple choice objective questions for 75 marks. The remaining 25 marks will be awarded by the Department of Physical Education, Osmania University for the Sports achievements of the candidates during the last three years. A table showing the incentive marks for sports achievements at different levels is given in Annexure-V. The decision of the Department of  Physical  Education, OU will be final and binding in awarding the incentive marks for sports achievements.
The entrance  test  will  consist  of any 3 or 4 varieties of objective type  items such as analogies,  classification, matching, comprehension of a research study / experiment / theoretical point of view, etc., with multiple answers besides the usual multiple choice items. The items will be framed only from the syllabus of entrance test.

3.      The test booklets of entrance tests of OUCET will be of two sets coded as A and B (or X and Y). Candidates have to darken the oval of the respective code of the test booklet given to him/her at the time of entrance test in OMR sheet and also write the same in nominal rolls.

4.       The answers for the questions are to be marked on the OPTICAL MARK READER (OMR) answer sheet by
DARKENING the respective ovals with a BLACK BALL / BLUE POINT PEN ONLY.

5.      The minimum cut-off marks in the entrance test for OC/BC category candidates to become eligible to seek admission into any course is 25% at the entrance test. However, there is no minimum cut-off for SC/ST category candidates.

1.        The  results  of  the  entrance  tests  will  be  made  available  in  the  websites,  or

2.        The candidates will be admitted into a course/subject based on the ranks secured in the concerned OU Common Entrance Test subject to rules of reservations. In case of a tie in the rank, the order of merit will be decided on the following basis: 1) marks secured in Part A of Common Entrance Test, 2) age of the candidate (senior in age getting higher priority) and 3) percentage of marks secured by the candidate in qualifying examination.
3.        The entrance rank cards of individual candidates, schedules for web based exercising of options by the qualified candidates, schedules of certificate verification and related instructions will be made available in websites, or which can be downloaded, and these will not be sent to the candidates directly by post.
4.       In the downloaded rank card, the candidate is required to affix a latest passport size photograph (which is exactly similar to the one uploaded in the Online Application) in the space provided and get itself attested. Without the rank card, no candidate is allowed for certificate verification.
Note: In addition to qualifying in the common entrance test, the candidates must fulfil other eligibility  conditions specified for the course in which he/she seeks admission.

III.             ADMISSIONS:

The eligible candidates will be admitted to various courses through the process of web based counselling. The qualified candidates desirous of seeking admission have to exercise options through web upon which the provisional allotment of admissions to qualified candidates will be made through a process of web based counselling. Those candidates who are allotted a provisional admission will have to attend for certificate verification in person along with the following original certificates and two sets of xerox copies.
1.       Common Entrance Test Rank Card.
2.      Common Entrance Test Hall Ticket.
3.       Transfer certificate (T.C.) from the Institution where the candidate studied last. If the candidate is pursuing any course during the academic year 2016 - 2017, either regular or correspondence, he/she must submit a proof of admission (certificate issued by the Head of the Institution) and will have to submit the T.C. from the present institution within seven (7) days. Otherwise the admission is deemed to be cancelled. An undertaking has to be given by the candidate to this effect.
4.      Original Certificate (or provisional certificate if the original is not yet issued as per rules) of the qualifying examination.

5.       Consolidated Memorandum of Marks of the qualifying examination.
6.       Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C.) / 10th std. certificate.
7.     Proof of Local/Non-Local status of the candidates according to rules in force (see Annexure-I). Those who have studied for at least four consecutive academic years ending with the first appearance in the qualifying examination as regular students need to submit only the bonafide certificates from the colleges/schools where they have studied. In case the candidates have studied four consecutive years preceding the qualifying examination in more than one local area, the candidates must submit the bonafide certificate(s) of at least seven consecutive academic years ending with the first appearance in the qualifying examination as regular students. In case the candidates have not studied in any educational institution during part of 4/7 years preceding the qualifying examination, they have to submit a certificate to that effect from the concerned  Mandal Revenue Officer / Tahasildar.
8.     Community Certificate for SC, ST and BC candidates as per G.O. Ms.No. 58, Social Welfare (J) Dept, dated 12.5.1997 issued by MRO / Thasildar.
9.      Income certificate from relevant authority wherever necessary issued by MRO/Thasildar on or after 01.01.2016.
10.      Relevant original certificates in respect of candidates seeking admission against NCC/NSS/Sports, Widow/Children of Armed personnel (CAP), Physically Handicapped and Teacher and Laboratory Assistant categories.
After the verification of certificates, the eligible candidates are required to submit all relevant certificates and pay the required fee on the spot. If a candidate, who is already admitted under General/BC/SC/ST Category, desires to seek admission under supernumerary category (NCC/NSS/Sports/CAP/Physically Handicapped) to derive any advantage in terms of college/course allotment, he/she should attend the concerned counselling  session provided the candidate is eligible for admission under supernumerary category.

IV.            RESERVATION:

1.      Local and Non-Local Candidates
i)                Admission to 85% of the available seats in every course shall be reserved in favour of the local candidates in relation to the local area in respect of O.U. subject to community and other reservations in force.
ii)             The remaining 15% of the seats which are open to local and non-locals shall be filled up subject to similar reservation as applicable to 85% local candidates (See Annexure I).
2.       S.C., ST. and B.C. candidates: Of the total number of seats available in each subject/course, following is the schedule of reservation of seats for these categories.
Schedules Caste .......       15 percent Scheduled Tribe .......                                          6 percent

Backward Class

Group A
7 percent
Group B
10 percent
Group C
1 percent
Group D
.. ........
7 percent
Group E
4 percent (subject to court decision)
1.    No candidate seeking reservation for admission under above categories be allowed to participate in the admission process unless he/she produces the Integrated Community Certificate prescribed by the Government and issued by the revenue authorities of the Government.
2.     The genuineness or otherwise of the social status claim of the candidates seeking admission under SC/BC categories shall be verified by the Director of Social Welfare/Director of Backward Classes of Government of T.S., respectively, whose decision in this regards will be final. The admissions to the seats reserved for SC/BC shall be deemed provisional till the genuineness of the social status of the candidates is verified by the respective authorities cited above.
3.     In the case of ST candidates, they should get their status verified by the Director of Tribal Welfare, Government of T.S., Hyderabad before attending the spot admission, if necessary.
4.    S.C., S.T. and B.C. candidates who get seats by merit in General Category will not be counted against the seats reserved for them and such candidates will go into the list of general seats.
5.    While filling up the seats reserved for Backward Classes, if qualified candidates belonging to Backward Class of a particular group are not available, the leftover seats can be adjusted for the candidates of next group. If qualified candidates belonging to Backward Classes are not available to fill up the 25% seats reserved for them, the leftover seats shall be treated as unreserved and shall be filled up with candidates of General Pool.
6.     If sufficient number of candidates are not available to fill up the seats reserved for S.C.s they shall be filled up  by suitable candidates from S.T’s and vice versa. If the required number of candidates are not available for filling the quota of seats reserved for S.C.s & S.T.s they may be filled up by candidates from the general pool on the basis of merit.


Wherever applicable, a minimum of 33.33% of the available seats in each course will be allotted to women candidates from each category, i.e. Open, S.C., S.T. and in all the groups in BC category taking a subject in each college as a unit. This rule is not applicable (i) if women candidates selected on merit in each category form 33.33 % or more of the seats therein; and (ii) for seats under various special categories. In the absence of suitable women candidates in the respective categories, these seats shall be filled in with men candidates  of the same category.


The following special category seats are provided in the University, Constituent and Affiliated Colleges.
1.       SPORTS/NCC/NSS: One Seat for every block of 30 seats taking the subject/course of study as one unit shall be reserved for Sports/NCC/NSS categories put together in each of the courses (for details see Annexure-II).
2.       WIDOW/CHILDREN OF ARMED PERSONNEL, etc.: One Seat for every block of 30 seats taking the subject/course of study as one unit, for the children of Ex-Servicemen/Servicemen put together (For details  see Annexure-III).
3.       PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED: One seat for every block of 30 seats taking subject/course of study as one unit, for physically handicapped candidates (For categories and priorities See Annexure-IV). For courses involving practical their eligibility will be decided by a Committee appointed for this purpose.
4.       NATIONAL INTEGRATION QUOTA (NIQ): 5% Supernumerary seats in each course in campus and constituent colleges of universities are available to the candidates belonging to the states other than Telangana and Andhra Pradesh under National Integration Quota.

XI.            NATIONALITY:

All candidates shall be of Indian Nationality and shall fall under the category of Local/Non-local (as defined in Annexure-I) except where otherwise stated.


A candidate already employed is not eligible unless he/she resigns the job or be on leave for the entire  duration of the course as the Post-Graduate courses (M.A./M.Com./M.Sc./M.S.W./B.L.I.Sc./ M.C.J./M.L.I.Sc./ M.Ed./M.P.Ed.) of Osmania University and other Universities are full time courses. A certificate to this effect should be produced at the time of admission. If any candidate suppresses the facts, his admission will be cancelled and necessary penal action will be initiated. Candidates are therefore advised to note this while seeking admission.


Semester scheme is followed at the Campus, Constituent and Affiliated Colleges of Osmania University and other Universities and the medium of instruction and examination is English except for language courses.


Candidates once admitted are required to put in not less than 75% of attendance in lectures (and practical wherever applicable). The Vice-chancellor, on the specific recommendation of the Principal/Head of the Department, may condone the deficiency in attendance to the extent of 10% on medical grounds, subject to production of Medical Certificate and on payment of the prescribed condonation fee.


Candidates are not permitted to pursue more than one course, at any point of time.  If such cases are  detected, the admission of the candidate in both the courses will be cancelled at any time.


Limited accommodation is available in the University hostels for students who are admitted in the University Colleges only. Admission into college does not confer the right for accommodation in the Hostel. The  available accommodation in the Hostel will be filled as per the rules and regulations that will be in force from time to time. Hostel facility is not available to the candidates admitted into self finance / payment Courses, payment seats, P.G. Diploma Courses and Evening Courses. Also, hostel facility will not be provided to those who have already pursued any P.G. Course(s) previously, either from Osmania University or from any other University / Institute.