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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

TS Memo No 2370 Certain Instructions on Dr. BR Ambedkar 125th Birth Anniversary Celebrations

Memo No 2370 125th Birth anniversary Celebrations of Dr. B R Ambedkar Certain Instructions  Issued. RJDs, DEOs, Principals of polytecnic and Degree Colleges Concerned to organise programmes in all the Educational Institutions to celebrate Sri Dr B R Ambedkars 125th Birthday Anniversary on 14th April 2016 in a befitting manner.

Memo No 2370 125th Birth anniversary Celebrations of Dr. B R Ambedkar Certain Instructions Issued. RJDs, DEOs, Principals of polytecnic and Degree Colleges Concerned to organise programmes in all the Educational Institutions to celebrate Sri Dr B R Ambedkars 125th Birthday Anniversary on 14th April 2016 in a befitting manner.

Various Programmes such as conducting  Rallies by the students to highlight about Literacy, other social Issues etc.,can be taken up various competitios in the nature of debates , discussions , songs ,dramas etc., can be organised on this day to highlight the life and achievments of Sri Dr.B R Ambedkar and also integrate it  with the contemporary situation to inspire the students.

Click Here to Download Memo No.2370 Dt. 1-4-2016