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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Model Genuinity Certificate Download for Medical Reimbursement Bills

Model Genuinity Certifciate Download . Medical Reimbursement Bills Submission of Genuinity Certificate Vide Rc 234 Certain Instructions by DSE Telangana on Submission of Medical Reimbursement Proposals Recomondations of Vigilance and Enforcement Department
Certain Instructions are issued as per the observation of vigilance and Enforcement Department to keep check on the fraudulent Reimbursement in the Telangana State. Instructions are issued  therein obtain Verification Certificate from concerned Hospital before submitting medical bills for sanction, most of the proposals are being recieved from the DEOs/Dy.EOs/MEOs and HMs without accompaning Genunity Certificate. Due to which inspite of recieving scrutinyfron DME sanction are being held up for want of above certificate. DDOs are requested to submit Medical Reimbursement Bills along with Verification Certificate and Genunity Certificate

Model Genuinity Certifciate Download . Medical Reimbursement Bills Submission of Genuinity Certificate Vide Rc 234 Certain Instructions by DSE Telangana on Submission of Medical Reimbursement Proposals Recomondations of Vigilance and Enforcement Department Certain Instructions are issued as per the observation of vigilance and Enforcement Department to keep check on the fraudulent Reimbursement in the Telangana State.

Niveditha Orthopedic Hospital


The Director of School Education, Telangana State Hyderabad.

Sub: Medical Reimbursement of medical claim expenditure incurred by Mr G.Anjaiah Goud F/o Mr. Goundla Ravinder Goud, SA, UPS Ravula Pally, Chevella Mandal-Ranga Reddy District-Confirmation of genuineness-Reg

We hereby certify that the copies of Essential Certificate, Emergency Certificate, Discharge Summery and Medical Bills issued by our Hospital are genuine and are certified by our Resident Medical Officer/ Medical Administrator. We are here with certifying same copies and enclosing for your necessary verification.

Thank You,

For Niveditha Orthopedic Hospital

R.M.O / Medical Administrator           Billing Manager