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Thursday, April 21, 2016

CCE Grading Promotion software for Primary Classes - Guidelines as SCERT Norms

CCE Grading Promotion software for Primary Classes - Guidelines

Primary School Students Promotion list software 2015-16 for 1st Class, 2nd Class, 3rd Class, 4th Class and 5th Class Students Next Class Promotion with Grading Calculate Software. This Software Prepared as per SSA norms CCE Model FA and SA Exams. UP School Grading and 6th Class, 7th Class, 8th Class and 9th Class Marks Calculate Software. Students Promotion list Preparation Principles Download. 6th to 9th Class Students Promotion List 2015-16 Forms Download. Manual CCE Model Grading Class wise abstract forms. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation -Guidelines – Software.

Students FA, SA Exams Marks Calculate Software for 1st          Class to 5th Class
Primary School Students Promotion list software 2015-16 for 1st Class, 2nd Class, 3rd Class, 4th Class and 5th Class Students Next Class Promotion with Grading Calculate Software. This Software Prepared as per SSA norms CCE Model FA and SA Exams. UP School Grading and 6th Class, 7th Class, 8th Class and 9th Class Marks Calculate Software. Students Promotion list Preparation Principles Download. 6th to 9th Class Students Promotion List 2015-16 Forms Download. Manual CCE Model Grading Class wise abstract forms. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation -Guidelines – Software/2016/04/cce-grading-promotion-software-for-primary-classes-guidelines-SCERT-norms.html.

Students Promotion list software CCE MOdel
This Software calculates grades automatically for individual subjects of Formative Assessment-4 ( FA - 4) and Summative Assessment-3 (SA – 3) and generates class grades individually and finally school grade also and generates promotion list Proformas for each class as per the guidelines which were circulated recently. Finally generates Total School abstract which we have to submit M.R.C s and D.E.O Offices.
CCE Model Class wise Grading Profrmas and Guidelines Below Links