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Friday, April 1, 2016

AP Rc No 3 SCERT, AP, Hyderabad – Implementation of Examination Reforms – Common Examination- Summative Assessment -III Time table

AP Rc No 3 SCERT, AP, Hyderabad – Implementation of Examination Reforms – Common Examination- Summative Assessment -III Time table

AP Rc No 3 SCERT, AP, Hyderabad – Implementation of Examination Reforms – Common Examination- Summative Assessment -III Time table/2016/04/ap-rc-no-3-scert-ap-hyderabad-implementation-of-examination-reforms-common-examination-summative-assessment-III-Time-table.html


Rc.No. 3/B/C&T/ SCERT/2015                                                                 Dated:   1-04- 2016

SCERT, AP, Hyderabad – Implementation of Examination Reforms – Common Examination- Summative Assessment -III Time table - Reg.
G.O.Ms.No.20 School Education (Prog.Ii) Department, Dated:28.03.2016
* * * *
            All the District Educational Officers, Principals DIETs, Project Officers of SSA Secretaries of all Residential institutions in the State are informed that, wide reference cited above Government has issued order to conduct common Summative- III Examination for studying Class VI to IX in all Government, Zilla Parishad, Aided, Municipal, KGBVs, Model Schools and all types of Residential Schools. Hence SCERT has issued SA- III common Examination schedule from 12-4-2016 to 22-4-2016 ( Schedule enclosed)
The Secretaries of all the Residential Institutions are requested  to instruct  the same to the concerned authorities of their Organization to conduct SA- III common Examination as per the schedule without fail. Further the concerned Officers of the Residential societies at District level has to place indent for Question papers supply to the Secretary  DCEB, o/o DEO and pay the prescribed subscription.
All The DEOs are instructed to communicate the schedule of SA- III common Examination to all the mentioned schools for effective implementation. Further the guide lines for evaluation procedure and uploading of the marks as per the said GO- 20 will be communicated in due course.

Encls: 1. SA- III common Examination schedule
           2. G.O M.S. No -20
                                                                                                          Prof. M.V. Rajya Lakshmi
                                                                                                            SCERT Andhra Pradesh


All the District Educational Officers in the State
All the Principals of DIETs in the State.
All the Project Officers, SSA, in the State

Copy submitted to the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh for information.