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Friday, April 22, 2016

AP Go 62 Salary Bills Submission Dates in Treasury

AP Go 62 Salary Bills Submission Dates in Treasury. GO 62 Bills Presentation Dates in Treasury Salary Supplementary Bills, Arrear bills and Salary Bills Schedule. Government has carefully reviewed the existing schedule for presentation of bills by the Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDO) to the Treasury. Govt. has decided to revise the schedule for presentation of bills and payment to the authorized vendors, clients, employees and other recipients with effect from May 01, 2016

Details of Schedule and instructions for Claims and as well as Treasury Department as per GO 62

AP Go 62 Salary Bills Submission Dates in Treasury. GO 62 Bills Presentation Dates in Treasury Salary Supplementary Bills, Arrear bills and Salary Bills Schedule. Government has carefully reviewed the existing schedule for presentation of bills by the Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDO) to the Treasury. Govt. has decided to revise the schedule for presentation of bills and payment to the authorized vendors, clients, employees and other recipients with effect from May 01, 2016/2016/04/ap-go-62-salary-bills-submission-dates-treasury.html

If the last day for submission of bills / payment happens to be a holiday, the same will be done on the following working day. All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers are requested to follow the above schedule of dates for submission of bill to the Treasuries / PAO and Works Accounts. Financial Management - Schedule for Presentation of Bills under various Programmes and Schemes– Updated Orders – Issued.

O R D E R:

1.    In the reference first read above, orders were issued fixing the schedule for presentation of bills in the Treasuries with effect from November 01, 1992. In the reference second read above, orders were issued fixing the schedule for admission of bills relating to works programmes. In the reference third read above, orders were issued fixing revised schedule for presentation of bills relating to works programmes. In the reference fourth read above, orders were issued dispensing with schedule for presentation of bills to the Pay and Accounts Officers / Assistant Pay and Accounts Officers with effect from April 01, 2014 and ordered revised procedure for processing the bills.

2.    The Government, in its endeavour to streamline the public financial management system to facilitate prompt delivery of required funds to the programmes and schemes, has been introducing a series of reforms. The foremost being the issuance of Comprehensive Budget Release Order (CBRO)  for  the entire financial year, duly replacing the earlier quarterly Budget Release Order (BRO), and introduction of Comprehensive Budget Distribution Order (CBDO) system to ensure streamlined flow of cash every month based on the approved work plan and pace of project implementation to the operational units.

3.    In the reference seventh read above, while introducing the CBRO system, the Government has empowered the departments to distribute the approved Budget in accordance with the work plan and priorities of the operational units of the department through the CBDO system. This is intended to facilitate availability of funds to the departments at the time and place of requirement. To complement and supplement the process for streamlining the payment process,  it

was felt necessary to rationalise the existing system for presentation of bills to the Treasuries/ PAOs, so that payment can be made more expeditiously.

4.    Accordingly, the Government has carefully reviewed the existing schedule for presentation of bills by the Drawing and Disbursing Officers (DDO) to the Treasury / Pay and Accounts Officers, with specific reference to the payment schedule and effective cash management system, and has decided to revise the schedule for presentation of bills and payment to the authorised vendors, clients, employees and other recipients with effect from May 01, 2016.

5.    Accordingly, in supersession of the orders issued in the references read above at one to fourth, the Government hereby order for a new schedule for submission of bills to the Treasuries / Pay and Accounts Office / Works Accounts Offices, as indicated in the following paragraphs with effect from May 01, 2016.


Particulars of Bills
Schedule for submission of Bills to Treasuries / PAO

Schedule for payment of Bills
Social Security Pensions
25  -  28
of the Month
First day of the Month
a) Pensions , GIS and FBF,
17    - 25
of the Month
1      -  5
of the Month

b) Regular Salary Bills, Wages (020/021/022), Work Charged establishment (270/273 & 530/534), Professional Services (280), Other Contractual Services (300), Grant-in-Aid towards Salaries (310/311)
17   -    25
of the Month
1     -  5
of the Month

c) Payments to Home Guards (280/282), Payments to Anganwadi Workers (280/283) and Honorarium to VRAs (280/286).
17   -  25
of the Month
1    -     5
of the Month
340-Scholarships and stipends of all Welfare Departments.
5    -     8
of the month
5    -  13
of the month
Supplementary salary bills including arear bills, Loans and Advances of employees.
5     -     8
of the month
5     - 13
of the month


Particulars of Bills
Schedule for submission of Bills to Treasuries / PAO

Schedule for payment of Bills
Telephone(130/131), Water and Electricity(130/133), LTA/ TA Bills(110/111),                   Festival Advances, All adjustment Bills etc., All contingent bills including other Grants-in-Aid(310/312), OOE(130/132), Diet Charges and all bills not covered in this Schedule.
11    -    20
of the month
11   -   13
17  -  25
of the month
Bills pertaining to Raj Bhavan, High Court, Decretal Charges, Legal Charges, loan, annuity and interest payments, Election related Expenses, Exams related expenses, Protocol Expenses. Obsequies charges, Natural Calamities TR-27, AC Bills, Medical Advances, first payment to Pensioners.
All days of calendar month

Subsidies of Rice, Power etc. (330)
of the month
of the month
GPF, LOCs / PD Accounts Payments
6 – 20
of the month
6-13 &
of the month
Works Bills by DWA
All working days except in the month of March.
In March 19th will be the last day
11 – 26
of the month
The D.T.A/PAO & DWA have to render accounts to AG.
14 -    16
5     -  8

6.    The Citizen Charter is here by stands revised according to this schedule. If the last day for submission of bills / payment happens to be a holiday, the same will be done on the following working day. All the Drawing and Disbursing

Officers are requested to follow the above schedule of dates for submission of bills to the Treasuries / PAO and Works Accounts.

7.    The Director of Treasuries and Accounts/ Pay and Accounts Officer/ Director of Works Accounts are requested to issue necessary instructions to their sub-ordinate Officers and disseminate the schedule amongst all DDOs and place the information on the Notice Board of Collectorate / Tashil Office and Mandal Development Office  and the offices of DTOs/ STOs/ PAOs/ APAOs , etc.

8.    The above schedule regarding payment will be subject to the exigencies of ways and means situation of the State. All concerned are intrusted to adhere to the schedule strictly.