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Monday, March 7, 2016

TS Kendriya Vidyalaya TGT,PGT,Nurse Posts Recruitment 2016 Notification

TS Kendriya Vidyalaya TGT, PGT , Nurse Posts Recruitment 2016 : Telangana Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), Ordnance Factory, Eddumailaram, Medak issued Recruitment 2016 Part time Contract Basis Notification for the recruitment of Primary Teachers , Trained Graduate Teachers , Post Graduate Teachers , Computer Instructor posts , Coaches for Games and Sports, Music and Dance Teacher , Nurse and Educational Counsellors Jobs for the year 2016-17. PRT Posts , TGT Posts, PGT Posts , PGT Posts Recruitment ApplicationForm and Eligibility , Salary Details.

TS Kendriya Vidyalaya TGT, PGT , Nurse Posts Recruitment 2016 : Telangana Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), Ordnance Factory, Eddumailaram, Medak issued Recruitment 2016 Part time Contract Basis Notification for the recruitment of Primary Teachers , Trained Graduate Teachers , Post Graduate Teachers , Computer Instructor posts , Coaches for Games and Sports, Music and Dance Teacher , Nurse and Educational Counsellors Jobs for the year 2016-17. PRT Posts , TGT Posts, PGT Posts , PGT Posts Recruitment ApplicationForm and Eligibility , Salary Details./2016/03/ts-kendriya-vidyalaya-tgtpgtnurse-posts-recruitment-notification.html

TS Kendriya Vidyalaya TGT, PGT, PRT Posts Recruitment 2016 Notification, Vacancies list

Who are Interested and Eligible Candidates Apply to PRT Posts , TGT Posts, PGT Posts , PGT Posts Recruitment Application. Eligible candidates can apply in the prescribed application format from 18-02-2016 to 14-03-2016.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Eddumailaram Vacancy Details:

  • 1. Primary Teacher
  • 2. Trained Graduate Teacher
  • 3. Post Graduate Teacher
  • 4. PGT (Computer Science)
  • 5. Computer Instructor
  • 6. Vocational Instructor for Dance and Music
  • 7. Coaches for Games and Sports
  • 8. Spoken English Teacher
  • 9. Nurse
  • 10. Educational Counsellor

How to Apply :

Submit Bio-data form in duplicate stating the post applied Below Address .
  1. The Principal,
  2. KendriyaVidyalaya,
  3. Ordnance Factory,
  4. Eddumailaram,
  5. Medak District 

TS Kendriya Vidyalaya Important Dates:

  1. Last Date for Submission of Application From : 18-02-2016 to 14-03-2016
  2. Date of Interview for all PRT Posts : 21-03-2016 (09 : 00 AM )
  3. Date of Interview for all PGT Posts and TGT Posts : 22-03-2016 (09 : 00 AM )
  4. Date of Interview for all Other Posts : 23-03-2016 (09 : 00 AM )

TS Kendriya Vidyalaya Post wise Qualifications and Salary Details

Sl. No. Post and Subject Qualification required Consolidated Salary 
1 PRT (Primary Teacher) Senior Secondary (XII) with 50% Marks JBT - after Senior Secondary (Class XII) or B. Ed., Competence to teach through Hindi and English medium Rs.21,250/-
2 TGT (Trained Graduate Teacher) Four years integrated degree course of Regional Collegesof Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with atleast 50% marks in aggregate. OR Second Class Bachelor's Degree with atleast 50% marks in the concerned subject(s) and in aggregate including electives and languages in the combination of subjects as under : Rs.26,250/- (All Subjects)
Sanskrit Sanskrit as an elective subject at Degree level.
Hindi Hindi as an elective subject at Degree level.
English English as an elective subject at degree level.
Social Studies Any two of the following : History, Geography, Economics and Pol. Sc. of which one must be either History or Geography.
Maths Maths with any two of the following subjects : Physics, Chemistry, Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics.
Science Botany, Zoology and Chemistry
B. Ed., or Equivalent from a recognized university, Proficiency in teaching though Hindi and English medium
3 PGT (Post Graduate Teacher) Two years integrated Post Graduate M. Sc. Course of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject or Master's Degree with atleast with 50% marks in aggregate in the subjects as under : Rs.27,250/- (All Subjects)
English English
Hindi Hindi.
Maths Mathematics/Applied Mathematics
Physics Physics/Electronics/Applied Physics/Nuclear Physics
B. Ed., or equivalent from a recognized university; Proficiency in teaching though Hindi and English medium.
4 PGT (Comp. Sc.) B.E. or B. Tech. and Post Computer Diploma in Computer OR M. Sc. (Comp. Sc.)/MCA or equivalent. OR B. Sc. (Computer Sc.)/BCA or equivalent and Post Graduate Degree in any subject from a recognized university. OR Post Graduate Diploma in Computer and Post Graduate degree in any subject from a recognized university. OR "A" Level from DOEACC and Post Graduate Degree in any subject. OR "B" or "C" Level from DOEACC Ministry of Information and Communication Technology. Rs.27,250/- (All Subjects)
Proficiency in teaching through Hindi and English Medium.
5 Computer InstructorB. Sc. (Computer Sc.)/BCA or equivalent and Post Graduate Degree in any subject from a recognized university. OR Post Graduate Diploma in Computer and Post Graduate degree in any subject from a recognized university. OR A' Level from DOEACC and Post Graduate Degree in any subject. OR B' or 'C' Level from DOEACC Ministry of Information and Communication Technology. B. Tech./M. Sc. (Computer Science/MCA or Bachelors Degree with PGDCA. Rs.21,250/- (Teaching in Classes III to V) Rs.26,250/- (Teaching in Classes VI onwards)
6 Vocational Instructor for Dance and Music Concerned Degree/Diploma from a recognized university Rs.21,250/-
7 Coaches for Games and Sports B. P. Ed. Rs.21,250/-
8 Spoken English Teacher B. A., with English Literature Rs.18,750/-
9 Nurse Minimum Diploma in Nursing Rs.750/- per Day
10 Educational Counsellor B.A./B. Sc. (Psychology) with Diploma in Counselling. Desirable Qualifications : a) Minimum of One year Experience in Providing Career/ Educational Counselling to students at schools. OR b) Working knowledge and experience in Placement Bureaus. c) Registration with rehabilitation Council of India as Vocational Counsellor. Rs.26,250/- Per month

* Kendriya Vidyalaya TGT, PGT, Nurse Posts Recruitment 2016 Notification Download