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Friday, March 11, 2016

TS G.OMs.No.54 OU PGECET Notification Online Application Form Hall Tickets Results and Counselling Infomation

TS .Osmania University  Post-graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test (PGECET) for admission into M.E / M.Tech. / M.Pharm. / M. Arch. / Graduate level Pharm. D (P.B.) (Full Time) in University and Affiliated Engineering / Pharmacy Colleges in Telangana State for the academic year 2016-2017 as per G.O.Ms.No.54 HE Dept (EC-2) dated: 21-06-2007

TS .Osmania University Post-graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test (PGECET) for admission into M.E / M.Tech. / M.Pharm. / M. Arch. / Graduate level Pharm. D (P.B.) (Full Time) in University and Affiliated Engineering / Pharmacy Colleges in Telangana State for the academic year 2016-2017 as per G.O.Ms.No.54 HE Dept (EC-2) dated: 21-06-2007 /2016/03/ts-gomsno54-ou-pgecet-notification-online-application-form-halltickets-results-results-counselling-information.html

1Notification issued on11-03-2016
2Commencement of application submission14-03-2016
3Last date of submission without late fee23-04-2016
4Submission with late fee of .500/- 09-05-2016
5Submission with late fee of .2000/- 16-05-2016
6Submission with late fee of .5000/- 23-05-2016
7Submission with late fee of .10000/- 28-05-2016
8Downloading of Hall Tickets 23 to 28-05-2016
9Examination dates30-05-2016 to 03-06-2016 (Official)
10Declaration of Results24-06-2016

.Osmania University will be invited online application for appearing Post-graduate Engineering Common Entrance Test (PGECET) for admission into M.E / M.Tech. / M.Pharm. / M. Arch. / Graduate level Pharm. D (P.B.) (Full Time) in University and Affiliated Engineering / Pharmacy Colleges in Telangana State for the academic year 2016-2017 as per G.O.Ms.No.54 HE Dept (EC-2) dated: 21-06-2007 and amendments. So, Qualified candidates would be given admissions into M.Tech, ME, M.Arch and M.Pharm courses offered by the colleges in the State.

The PGECET officials have  decided to introduce textile technology in the entrance from this year making the total number of test papers to 18. They informed that, last year they have conducted admissions directly. But this year, the admissions for text technology would be made through the entrance exam only.

The Committee also decided to continue to collect registrations through online. It included payment for the registrations.  The online registrations would begin from March 14 and last date for applying without late fee is April 27. With a late fee of Rs 500 and Rs 2000 is May 11 and 22 respectively.
Candidates can also register by paying a late fee of Rs 5,000 and Rs 10,000 till May 28 June 2 respectively. Candidates can download the hall tickets from the website between May 23 and June 2.Eligible candidates who wish to apply for TS PGECET 2016 may submit their applications through online mode only including the payment of registration fee and generation of Hall Tickets. Candidates can visit the websites, www, for submission of online application. The related information regarding eligibility, syllabus, instructions and procedure for online application are available on the website:

So, Candidates can register at or paying Rs 500 (Rs 250 for SC/ST candidates). The examination would be held from JMay 29 and June 6, 2016 in two sessions 10 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 4 pm. The results of the test would be declared on 24.06.2016. The examination would be held in two regional centres, such as Hyderabad and Warangal. Officials have arranged 40 test centres in two regional centres.

According Venugopal, the pattern of the test would be of objective type with multiple choice questions. The candidates should answer 120 questions in two hours. For writing entrance test, students should secure 50 per cent marks in qualifying examination for open category and 45 per cent for reserved category. The cut-off mark for qualifying is 30 marks general and for SC/ST there is no minimum mark.

The convener said there were about 262 engineering college offering ME/MTech courses, 122 colleges offering M. Pharmacy courses and four colleges offering M.Arch course in Telangana State during academic year 2015-2017.

Registration fee: Rs.800 for General Candidates
Rs.400 for Sc, ST Candidate


Follow the following steps to apply for the TS PGECET 2016:
  1. Candidates are advised to visit the official portal of TS PGECET 2016
  2. Click on Online Application Form; proceed towards the form and the payment procedure.
  3. Must choose the mode of payment before applying and note your transaction id after making the payment through credit/debit card.
  4. The candidates should upload their scanned passport size photograph and signature in the allotted space.
NOTE: The size of the scanned uploaded passport size must be less than 40 KB and the size of uploaded signature should not exceed 30 KB. Both signature and photo are required to upload in jpg/jpeg format only.
  1. Before the submission of the form, click on ‘agree’ button that shows that whatever is declared in the form by you is correct and you ensures the guarantee of it.
  2. As you click on submit button, preview of the filled application form will be shown to you and a registration ID from the conducting authority is displayed to you.
  3. Must retain that registration ID for future usage (required at the time of admit card).
  4. After verifying all the entered details, now you can click on Confirm button.
  5. You get the confirmation SMS from the TS PGECET conducting authority after the submission of the form successfully.
  6. Copy of the filled application form has been sent to your mail id by the entrance exam conducting authority.
  7. Exam Pattern:
  8. There are total 120 multiple type questions from the subject you are applying for. The timing of the test will be 2 hours, and the test will be conducted in 2 sessions of forenoon and afternoon. Forenoon timing will be from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and the afternoon timing will be 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The students are applicable to take more than one test but the condition is that separate fee will be charged for each entrance exam.