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Monday, March 28, 2016

Rc 125 Battery of Taps Sanction to 298 Dchools in RR District

Rc 125 SSA Telangana Hyderabad Sanction of Battery Taps to 296 schools in Ranga Reddy. Providing Battery Taps to the schools needed with High Enrollment. District educational Officer of Ranga Reddy Dist has furnished the proposal to sanction battery taps to 444 High Schools in the district that are having running water fecility to toilets and battery taps required

Sanctioned is hereby accorded to provide battery of taps to 298 High Schools in Ranga Reddy Dist as shown in Annexure with Unit cost of Rs.11,000/- per school with total estimated cost 32.78 Lakhs duly utilising the budget available under the activity "Ramps with Handrails". Works should be completed by 31.03.2016