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Sunday, March 27, 2016

Edit Online Application of TSTET-2016

Telangana State Teachers Eligibility Test TSTET-2016 Apply Online at to appear for the Exam which to be held on May 1st for the First Time in Telangana after the formation of Telangana State. Online Application for TSTET Examination and as well as we can edit our submitted application by giving information in complants box. TSTET is gateway for DSC and teachers should have get eligibility to work in Private Schools also as per NCERT norms. 1 Mark Weightage for every 7 1/2 marks we get in TET exam. So TET marks very cruicial to get teacher job. Actually Teachers Eligibility Test is tough comparing with DSC when analise the syllabus. If we get good marks in TET we can achieve teachers job when we continue the efforts up to DSC. 

Some of the candidates who have submitted their application and did mistakes while applying online for TSTET searching for an option to edit their mistakes. But Directorate of School Education Telangana State is not giving direct link to edit but they have given an option to edit our application by recieving our details through complant box
  1. Click here to Apply Online for TSTET-2016
  2. Click here to Edit your Submitted Application