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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Dearness Relief to Pensioners in Telangana Vide GO MS No 26 Dt 11.03.2016

GO MS No 26 Dt 11.03.2016 Dearness Relief to Pensioners in Telangana DR GO for Pensioners in Telangana State released Pension – Dearness Relief to Pensioners with effect from Revised  – Orders issued.

GO MS No 26 Dt 11.03.2016 Dearness Relief to Pensioners in Telangana DR GO for Pensioners in Telangana State released Pension – Dearness Relief to Pensioners with effect from Revised  – Orders issued.

  1. Government hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief to pensioners sanctioned in the G.O. 5th above from 12.052% of the basic pay to 15.196%  from 01.07.2015 in respect  of:-Those who retired from service after 01.07.2013 and are drawing pension in the Revised Pay Scales,  2015. Those who retired prior to 01.07.2013 and whose pension was consolidated in the light of orders issued in the above. G.O. 3rd  read
  2.  Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief from 83.032% to 88.168 % with effect from 01.  7.2015 to the
  3. pensioners who are drawing their pension in revised pay  scales, 2010  and not consolidated in terms of the orders issued  in the reference 3rd read above.
  4.            Government also Relief  from 201.588% hereby order the revision of rates of  Dearness  to 211.95 % with effect from 01.07.2015 to the pensioners who are drawing their pension in revised pay  scales, 2005  and not consolidated in terms of the orders issued in G.O.Ms. No.100, Finance  (Pen.I)  Department, dated.06.04.2010.
  5.            Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief from 205.318% to 214.316% with effect from 01.07.2015 to the pensioners who are drawing their pension in revised Pay Scales, 1999   and not consolidated in terms of the orders issued in G.O.(P). No.248, Finance  (Pen.I)  Department, dated.04.10.2005.
  6.         Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief to the pensioners who retired while drawing UGC Pay Scales 2006 from 01.01.2006 from 113% to 119%    w.e.f.  01.07.2015.
  7.           Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief to the pensioners who retired after 01.01.1996 drawing UGC Pay Scales 1996 from 223% to 234   % with effect from 01.07.2015 since   the Dearness Relief was regulated upto 01.01.2007 by merging 50% Dearness Relief with basic pension through G.O.(P) No.183, Finance (Pen.I)  Department, dated.23.07.2007.
  8.           Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief to the pensioners/family pensioners whose pension was consolidated as per orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.54, Higher Education (UE.II) Department, dated. 08.06.2011 and G.O.Ms.No.31, Higher Education (UE.II) Department, dated 24.05.2013 from 113% to 119% with effect from  01.07.2015.
  9.            Government also hereby order the revision of rates of Dearness Relief sanctioned in G.O.Ms.No.4, Law (Law &  J-SC.F)  Department, dated. 06.01.2011 to the Pensioners who a r e drawing pension as per Justice E.Padmanabhan Committee report from 113% to 119% with effect from 01 -07-2015.
  10. Click here to Download GO MS No 26 DT 11.03.2016 DR to Pensioners