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Saturday, March 19, 2016

APRJC-2016 Entrance Notification Apply Online at

APRJC Entrance Notification-2016 Apply Online for Andhra Pradesh Residential Junior Colleges (APRJC) at Admission Test Notifiaction-2016 for APRJC in various colleges which are run by APREIS in AP. How to Apply Online for APRJC CET-2016 in official website. APREIS Invites Online Application for Entrance Test to get admission into APRJC. APRJC CET-2016 Results Important dates exam pattern halltickets how to apply counselling selection procedure
APRJC Entrance Notification-2016 Apply Online for Andhra Pradesh Residential Junior Colleges (APRJC) at Admission Test Notifiaction-2016 for APRJC in various colleges which are run by APREIS in AP. How to Apply Online for APRJC CET-2016 in official website. APREIS Invites Online Application for Entrance Test to get admission into APRJC. APRJC CET-2016 Results Important dates exam pattern halltickets how to apply counselling selection procedure

APREI Society has established the first Residential Junior College in the year 1975 at Nagarjunasagar, Guntur District with an objective to provide quality education to the talented children. Later no. of colleges increased as per the demand of the public. Presently, APREI Society is managing 10 AP Residential Junior Colleges. Out of 10 Colleges, 4 are for Boys, 02 for Girls, 01 for Co-Education and 03 for  Minorities.

Category  o f  APR Jr Colleges
No.of Colleges
General Boys
General Girls
Minority( Girls)


Salient    featuresof APR Junior Colleges:-

     All the APR Junior Colleges are providing education in Residential   Mode.
     Individual attention is being paid to each  student.
     Loco Parent system is implemented by appointing one loco parent to a group of 15 to 20 students.
     Long term Coaching is provided to students to prepare them for exams like EAMCET/CA-CPT
     Day  starts   with   the physical  exercises   and  Classes   will  commence  at 8.00am  and  academic activities will continue till 10.00pm in the   night.
     Apart from the academic activities, importance is given  to  sports  and  games and other co-curricular activities for all-round development of students.

APRJCCET --      2016-17:

1.           Candidates seeking admission into Inter I year in 10 AP Residential Junior  Colleges for the academic year 2016-17 should apply for APRJC Common  Entrance Examination  through online by visiting
2.                  Date of Examination: 12 .05.2016 from 10.00 am to  12.30pm

3.                Examination Centres: District Head quarters (Candidate may choose any  District to appear for the Test)

4.                  Scheme  of Examination:



Subjects     in          Entrance Test

Maximum marks
English-Mathematics-Physical  Science
2½ hours
English-Bioscience-Physical  Science
English,  Mathematics and Social Studies
English-Mathematics-Physical  Science
English-Bioscience-Physical  Science

The test is of objective  type  with 2½ hrs duration  for 150 marks  (50 marks      for  each subject).
The candidates have to mark their answers in the OMR sheets. Model Question papers are available in the Websites:  or The question papers of APRJC CET will be based on 10th standard in AP State Syllabus for subjects and English will be General English.

1.                  Schedule  for applying online application:

Date of opening of online application         : 17.03.2016(after4.00pm) Last date                                                               : 17.04.2016

2.                  Examination Fee: Rs.150/-

1.                  Eligibility:

a)     Candidate must be a resident of India and must have studied in Andhra Pradesh only.
b)      Must h a v e passed t h e q u a l i f y i n g examination in first attempt in March/April 2016 only. Candidateswhohavepassed in earlier  are not eligible need  and  not   to apply.
c)     OC Candidate must secure a minimum GPA of 6 and BC, SC, ST and minority candidates must secure minimum GPA of 5 in S.S.C or equivalent qualifying examination  and GPA of 4 in English  for all  the candidates.
2.                     Reservations:

1. SC:15%, ST:06%, BC-A: 7 % BC-B:10%, BC-C:1%, BC-D:7, BC-E:   4%

2. Spl. category Reservation:  PHC:3% Sports:3%  CAP( Children of Armed Personnel):3%
3.                 Selection of students: Selection of students will be made  based  on the  merit in Common Entrance examination, Reservation, Special  category  and Local area. While selecting the students for MEC and CEC Group,  combined  rank will be given  to  the  candidates  opted  to  MEC  and  CEC.  If  a  candidate opted to MEC is not selected for MEC, his/her candidature shall be considered for CEC also and Vice versa.

4.                        Criteriaforallotmentof  seats  under special reservation  category

The seats under special category in MPC, BPC, MEC/CEC will be given on the basis of common merit list of Children of Armed Personnel, PHC and Sports categories against OC.
i.             Under PHC category, seats will be allotted based on the merit of  the entrance  test  among  the PHC candidate. Minimum disability is 40%.
ii.            Under Sports category, seats will be allotted based on the merit in the entrance  test among the sports category.
iii.              Under CAP( Children of Armed Personnel) category, the parent of the candidate must be an ex-service or presently  in  defence  service.  The seats will be allotted based on the merit in the entrance test. NCC candidates are not eligible under CAP  category.

i)                   Reservation of seats in Minority Junior   Colleges:-

Seats allotted

1.                     How to apply:

Steps to be followed on submission of the application through   ‘Online:

i.        The candidate shall first go through the information bulletin carefully and satisfy their eligibility for appearing for APRJC-CET   2016.
ii.               The candidate after satisfying  himself/herself  about  the  eligibility  criteria for the submission of application through online shall pay a fee  of  Rs.150.00 from 17.03.2016 (after 4.00pm) to 17.04.2016 for submission ofapplicationthroughOnline.
iii.            At the Internet Centre, the candidate has to give the required preliminary data. (i.e. Name of the candidate, Date of birth and  mobile phone   number).

iv.                 On receipt of  fee  at  the Internet Centre, the candidate  shall  be issued a Journal Number with which she/he can proceed  with submission of application through online through the website  Issue  of  Journal  Number   does   not   mean   that the candidate has completed submission of  application  online. It is only a confirmation of the fee  received.
v.                  Before submission of the Online application form, the candidate has to fill up the Model Application form (given at  annexure-2).
vi.               The candidates shall follow the procedure for submission of  online  application as given in the ‘Information Bulletin’ and also as per the instructions  provided  online  while  filling  up the  online application  form. The Candidate should be ready with photograph of size 3.5  X  4.5  cms before filling the on-line application. The Photo should be scanned and uploaded along with the application form.

vii.            While filling the on line application, the candidate has to opt the course.  Once  a course  is opted, that cannot be changed.

viii.                The candidate has  to mention  the  name  of  colleges in  which  admission is seeking on order of priority among the eligible colleges (See the annexure-1 for jurisdiction for  admissions).
ix.            On submission of Application through ONLINE, the candidate has to take a copy (print) of application form in which a reference number also be given. This Reference number is required  to download  the Hall  Ticket.  The copy of online application is to be preserved for further   reference.
x.               For any mistake/incorrect information, the candidate is solely held responsible. Hence, they must take utmost care while filling the online application.
xi.                     The Applications of the ineligible candidates will be rejected   summarily.

xii.            The selected Candidate  should be able to produce the original certificates  at the time of admission as a proof to the information furnished in the application.
xiii.                  The selection of  the  candidate  will  be  summarily  rejected  if  they  fail to  submit  the  necessary documents at the time of  admission.

1.                    General instructions to the candidates:

1.     The candidates are personally held responsible for incorrect information in the application form.
2.     The  convenor  reserves  the  right  to  cancel  the  admission   at   any   stage, if the particulars furnished by the candidate are found incorrect or against the rules of admissions.
3.       In case of tie among the candidates with same marks in the entrance test, the order of the merit will be decided as  follows:
i.           The higher marks secured by the  candidate  in  Mathematics  for MPC/EET, Biological Science for BPC/CGDT and Social  Studies  for MEC/CEC will be considered.
ii.           If still the tie persists, the higher marks secured by the candidate in Physical Science for MPC/EET and for BPC/CGDT, Mathematics for MEC/CEC will be considered.
iii.   If still the tie persists, it will be decided by taking advanced age as  criteria.
iv.          If there is a tie between male and female candidates, then female candidate shall be given better  rank.
v.      If still the tie persists, candidates belonging to the following communities (in that order) shall be given a better  rank:
a)  ST b) SC c) BC (A) d) BC (B) e) BC (C) f) BC (D) g) BC (E) and h)  OC