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Thursday, March 17, 2016

AP Rc No.67 TET cum TRT 2014 Surplus Teachers certain Clarifications Issued

AP Rc No.67 TET cum TRT 2014Surplus Teachers certain Clarifications Issued|School Education certain Clarifications Issued on TET cum TRT Surplus Teachers 2014
AP Rc No.67 TET cum TRT 2014Surplus Teachers certain Clarifications Issued|School Education certain Clarifications Issued on TET cum TRT Surplus Teachers 2014/2016/03/ap-rc-no67-tet-cum-trt-2014-surplus-teachers-certain-clarifications-issued.html

              Some District Educational Officers in the State have informrd that there are surplus SGT teachers identified during the rationalisation of Primary Schools in theie districts.They further informed that SGT and LP poata have been notified during TET cum TRT 2014 for their District.Clarification has been sought from the Commissionaer of School Education whether selection of teachers is to be made even where there are surrplus teachers.
             You are aware that rationalisation and resource redistribution excercise is to be undertaken before the commencement of the next academic year. The issue of  providing the support of  academic monitoring team to Dy,EOs,MEOs and filling up the vacant posts on reputation basis in DIERs and CTEsis under examination in the Government.

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