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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

AP Rc 3320 SMC/School Management Committee Election Schedule in Andhra Pradesh

Rc 3320 SMC Elections Notifications 2016 Schedule Guidelines for SMC Formation. School Management Committees Formation Notification 2016 released. SMC Formation Guidelines are also released. Detailed Schedule for SMC formation 2016 in Schools in Andhra Pradesh are given below. Lr No 3320/APSSA/A6/CMO/15 Dated 1.3.2016.

 Rc 3320 SMC Elections Notifications 2016 Schedule Guidelines for SMC Formation. School Management Committees Formation Notification 2016 released. SMC Formation Guidelines are also released. Detailed Schedule for SMC formation 2016 in Schools in Andhra Pradesh are given below. Lr No 3320/APSSA/A6/CMO/15 Dated 1.3.2016.

Elected Members
  1. Three parents/guardians elected by parents/guardians of children in each class, of whom at least one person is parent/guardian of a child from the disadvantaged group and another person is a parent/guardian of a child belonging to weaker sections, and two are women.Provided that, in case, the number of children in a class is less than 6, the same shall be combined with the next lower or higher class, such that the number of electors in the combined class is 6 or more. 
  2. The term of an elected member will be for two years, or the date of leaving-from-the-school of the member’s child/ward, which ever is earlier. 
  3. New parent/guardian members from entry class will be inducted into the SMC to replace those parent members who will move out of the SMC when their children leave school.

Who will be The Ex-Officio Members
  1. The Head Teacher or the in charge Head Teacher of the school shall be the Member Convenor;
  2. Additional Teacher Member nominated by the MEO preferably from the gender opposite to that of the Head Teacher;
  3. The concerned Corporator / Councillor / Ward Member, as the case may be;
  4. The Anganwadi Worker(s) serving the neighbourhood area of the school;
  5. The Multipurpose Health Worker - Female (ANM) serving the neighbourhood area of the school;
  6. The President of Mahila Samakhya of the concerned village/ward.
Coopted Members
  1. Two school supporters from among persons who is an eminent educationist, a philanthropist, office bearer of a voluntary rganization, an alumni or such other supporter of the school; coopted by the elected members of the SMC.
  2. The term of coopeted members shall be two years from the date of first meeting following the date of cooption.
The concerned Sarpanch / Municipal Chairperson / Mayor may attend any meeting of SMC in their respective areas, at his/ her discretion.

The School Management Committee shall elect the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson from among its elected members. Provided that at least one of them should be a parent/guardian of a child from the disadvantaged group or the weaker sections. Provided further that at least one of them should be a woman."

  1. Both parents of a child may participate in the deliberations of the annual general body. However, only one of the parents shall be eligible to vote for election of parent/guardian representative to the SMC.
  2. Parents/guardians having children in different classes shall be eligible to participate in the election process of each class.
  3. The Head Teacher shall conduct the election.
  4. At least 50% of the parents/guardians should be present for conducting the elections.
  5. Elections shall ordinarily be by show of hands or voice vote. In extraordinary situations of unresolved contention, secret ballot procedure may be adopted.
Click here to Download Rc 3320 Dt 01.03.2016 about SMC Elections in AP