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Monday, March 14, 2016

AP Rc. 20 Guidelines for Prioritising and Identifying the Vacancies of TET cum TRT 2014

AP Rc. 20   The Detailed Guidelines for Prioritising and Identifying the Vacancies of TET cum TRT 2014

AP Rc. 20 The Detailed Guidelines for Prioritising and Identifying the Vacancies of TET cum TRT 20142016/03/ap-rc-20-guidelines-for-prioritising-identifying-vacancies-tet-cum-trt-2014.html


         Rc.No. 20/TRC-1/2016                                                 Dated:05.03.2016

Sub:   TET CUM TRT -2014 – Recruitment of various category of teachers – Completion of Recruitment process – Instructions Issued – Reg.
Read: 1. G.O.Ms.No.38 Education (Exams), Department, dated 19.11.2014

          The attention of all the District Collectors and District Educational Officers in the State is invited to the G.O. 1st read above, where in Government issued instructions for conduct of TET CUM TRT 2014.

          Further they are informed that, in order to maintain a uniform procedure and in the interest of filling up vacancies in needy schools certain guidelines are issued and appended to these proceedings for Prioritising and Identifying the Vacancies of TET Cum TRT 2014.

          The District Educational Officers are further informed that the Office of the Commissioner of School Education shall provide only technical support in listing of vacancies and selection process. The appointment orders of the selected candidates based on their web options shall be placed in the respective logins. However, the decision of the District Selection Committee-2014 shall be final in issuing of appointment orders.

          The District Educational Officers are therefore requested to take necessary action as per the guidelines appended to this proceeding.

                                                                         Sd/- K.SANDHYA RANI
                                                               COMMISSIONER OF SCHOOL EDUCATION

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